The long awaited horde mount

the horde men have long dreamt of getting the powerful Sloth Mount


What? No. No sloths. They’re too slow.

No gators for alliance either.

Nah Chihuahua mount :dracthyr_nod:

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sloths have powerful talons for attacks though - they would be the most powerful horde mount with those massive 1 foot long talons


Mounts don’t attack though. They just disappear when we get attacked.

but they can add a 1-3 attack before vanishing - giving the sloths a chance to unleash their mighty fury

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I just want the Kezan Hotrod and I’d die happy

What the heck. Is this trolling? Tts obviously thr uodated bfa hippo mount that only thr alliance got. I want a rollie pollie horde hippo mount.

You want a hippopotamus for Christmas and only a hippopotamus will do?

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That would be perfect.
A mount that’s uncontrollable, that barks to everything, will take your wherever it wants, at high speed, and it will aggro anything in the way and run! Perfect!

Nice, but I would prefer then to climb trees instead of attacking.

and the Horde women? let me guess, they are in the kitchen waiting for a dish set to pop up in the trading post?

nice. real nice.

My list of desired mounts:

  • Panda mount
  • Koala mount
  • Capybara mount (imagine, Reins of the Famine Capybara)
  • Giraffe mount (with AH like the brontosaur)
  • Snake mount
  • Garrosh Slave mount
  • Cow mount (10% mount speed only; Reins of the Slowly Bovine)
  • Chameleon mount (You gain Invisibility while mounted)

I support this but the cow needs to provide milk to restore mana

should it be green and red with a santa hat

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Nobody knows. This guy does nothing but spam inane threads like this.

He’s either trolling or just perpetually baked and… “low-functioning” to put it mildly.

Ummm no we haven’t sorry, that’s just you.

Pink poodle mount

Yes please.

I like the idea of getting on a mount and moving at -400% speed