The long awaited horde mount

Now this I could go for as a mount

Nothing depicts the Horde more than the sloth. Hardcore pacifists who want nothing more than to laze about and enjoy life free of predators.

So you just described Baine Bloodhoof there.

Heā€™d make a good mount since he likes just sitting around .

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[Reigns of Baine Bloodhoof]
Ground Mount - Reduces speed by 100%


You arenā€™t a Horde man. You wouldnā€™t understand.


Speed increased by 9000% if sitting immobile in corner.

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is that more for female or male horde???

In a fun twist itā€™s actually only usable by nonbinary horde

donā€™t you remember flash from zootopia - he was a race car driver and went fast

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Is that someone that plays both factions?

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Sure, for your purposes we can go with that.

I was just joking. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seemed like that was the purpose of the thread to me. Iā€™m aware now that your tone is more serial. Sorry for that.

so this can be a neutral mount??


I think Iā€™d rather have a lawnmower mount. That way I can slip into Stormwind under the pretense of landscaping.

ā€œHello Guard. Iā€™m just here to trim your hedges.ā€

Yeah a swing pig covered in dirt :rofl:

If itā€™s a neutral mount youā€™re looking for, how about a slug mount?

Everyone can have one. It only moves a little faster if thereā€™s cat food lying about somewhere.

Why not both?

And for Alliance too.

Makes me sad they have this reputation.

Any breed that is known behavioral issues is only known for that because the owners suck and donā€™t bother to learn what the dog needs to be healthy and feel secure, or they just donā€™t care which should be considered animal abuse.

I canā€™t agree. Iā€™ve seen a lot of then very well treated by their owners and still being aggressive with other people. Thatā€™s the way they are.[

Yes and i i dont get a hippopotamus im gonna go hippocrazy

Youā€™ve seen a lot of them? lmaoā€¦ okay surreeeeee >_>