I preemptively answered you by socratic questioning. Breathe, and let’s try again:
Now, answer those instead of trying to use petulance to try to protect your ego.
I am talking about the absurdity of thinking shade means there is no light, then trying to twist that into some silly “argument” that you need protection from Truth because it hurts your ego.
I have received nothing from you but sneering and backpedaling. Being in the sahde does not make the sun go away, just like hiding from the Truth with a full, sneering retreat does not make the Truth go away.
That you do not take advantage of your Rational Soul seems to lead to insecurity when the topic is mentioned.
Claiming relativism means that you are claiming that reality is based exclusively on your personal perception. If that is the case, then communication is not even possible and your statements are untrue outside your ego.
This kind of “thinking” that refutes itself has a very unkind name.