The Library

With a modelo dark beer.

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“I was having FUN in this thread, until you started picking on me. Fine, I’ll LEAVE!!!”
(Lady Cyndi Lou fire bombs the Library on the way out.)


Aww don’t cry.

You’ll make me laugh.

is still in the library and runs out on fire before realizing
 I’m always on fire

hey yo she didn’t torch my quesadilla did she?



I don’t think this thing’s on.

Madame this is a library, not taco bell. The food books are on aisle three but this library is closing in 5 minutes so I suggest you escort your cute little butt out the door so we can close up here THANK YOU.


Sorry, that was yours?

The Worgen glances at the spreading fire and closes his book. He approaches the Librarian, balances the book carefully on her head, and exits the Library without saying a word.


No, I said STEAK quesadilla, please.

Nuuuuuuuuu come back. The library is closing but the party is just beginning. Let’s grab a beer afterwards. Don’t tell GD I said that.

I help. Yes.


The service at this place it just terrible. That’s it, I’m one starring it on yelp.

whips out phone


attention all

The library is closing in approximately five minutes. Please return thy books to the front desk, and do not touch the card catalogue. Thank you very much.

PS: If you stick around you shall be rapped upon the knuckles with my ruler. Thank you for your understanding.

Is it a metal ruler or a wooden one?

You’re about to find out. 3 minutes please. Return your books, thank you in advance.

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Oh gosh. The teacher voice :disappointed_relieved:

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Someone start stacking books into field goal posts.

I’m going for an extra point with the librarian.


I see you all typing, please refrain. The library is closing now.

THEQUIXOTE you are now on the list.

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I want to confuse the librarian.

/checks out curious George, the man in the iron mask, things to do when you’re alone and the idiot’s guide to hiding bodies

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For the longest field goal.

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