The level squish problem

I’ve seen this happen in a previous squish. Post squish, some gear becomes a couple of levels too high to be equipped/

If the red gear was unequipped, character stats went down to reflect the loss and the gear could not be re-equipped until the character reached the new level requirement.

I’d advise checking your stats before removing one piece of gear. If they go down, leave the rest equipped.


I removed one item but could not re-equip it cause it says requires level 45. :confused: do you not test your game before releasing it???

I did that and notice no chance in stats when I removed the one item yes its red and cannot re-equip cause its required level 45 and im 43


There was a Beta and PTR, so yes they did test it. The issue is scaling. There are two scalings happening. Level squish is one. Ilevel squish is the other. The process was done by a program using a formula. As the issue with ilevel squish only affects a handful of gear it is more effective to leave it than to spend time either developing a new calculation for the gear or changing each individual item it might affect.

Can someone report this as a bug? every time I report bugs nobody responds to my post about it and or it just takes forever to get fixed.

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Bug reports are a one way street, if QA needs more information they’ll ask.


Posted here. I spent a bit of time putting each item in there so I really hope someone looks at it and fixes it quickly since I cannot level on this character in the current state , im too weak.

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May be a bit boring but what you can do is collect candy buckets until you level up enough to equip the gear. Also, do the cooking and fishing dailies in Org. Archaeology also gives experience for each fragment don’t use Chromie time and do archaeology in Kalimdor and EK.

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No one in the CS forum will be able to do anything about this as the blue posters ain’t the devs and don’t mess with the coding in the game.

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Bug Reports are a triage system. They will get fixed in turn of importance. Posting here on the CS forums won’t do much. QA doesn’t come here for reports and the SFAs cannot fix bugs.

What is preventing you from leveling? Buy some new gear off the AH until QA gets to fixing it, or if you can craft it, make your own.


Seems a little unfair that he should be forced to spend gold for gear due to poor coordination on the part of the development team, but at least it’s an option until he hits 45 and can re-equip the old gear. He might also be able to buy some cheap vendor gear just to fill the slot. Another option might be to queue for a dungeon via the group finder. Who cares if your dps is super low. You’ll still get the xp. Lots of people let the tanks carry them through the leveling dungeons. Ordinarily I’d frown on that practice, but in this case, it’s another option until you hit 45.


Wash your hands. Wear a mask. Maintain social distance. Listen to science.

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The previous squish this happened in didn’t get a fix as the easy work around was to just gain a couple of levels to equip the gear.

Not really sure there’s actually anything to fix. When rounding within the various pieces of a conversion formula results in 99.9% of the items being converted correctly, The very… very… small handful that don’t convert properly don’t indicate the formula is bad.
They tend to be statistical anomalies That soon recover their value through leveling.


Where did you get that information? Just curious if something was published. 99.9% is pretty good. But if it’s 97.3% or 95.6% or 94.2% it quickly can start affecting a lot of players. I’m wondering where the 99.9% came from.

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Pulled the figure out of my posterior.
Just based it upon this being the only post I have seen on the issue.

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It is what it is. Adapt and overcome…


Yep. Unfortunate, but these things can happen without good coordination. Hopefully some filler gear can suffice until he levels up.


I have the same problem on my monk here. These are items that were legion BOE epics that had a requirement previously of level 101 to equip.

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You’re kidding about this right? I refuse to buy items when I have perfectly good items equipped but just requires maybe 5 minutes of a developers time to fix.

This is not something I caused, I realize things like this happen but in no way should I have to work around this and spend my gold. Perhaps if the devs or someone who can give me some replacement items of equal value I would be more than happy to accept it and move on.

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If you have heirlooms, you can use them in the meantime. Not much will come about from posting in here in the CS forum. More to the point, there are ways to fix this yourself in the meantime, the other players her or the blue won’t be able to replace them.


Ok I am just going to shelf this character and my monk until they fix it. It’s definitely a major over sight and I should not have to work around it , spending gold or heirlooms is counter productive.

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I doubt they will “fix” it.