Both would be great as well!
Heck yeah I’m down. Love Wrathion, him founding a new ‘Unified Dragonflight’ for all flights (Including Red - despite his complicated history with them) as the Allied-race-chain-quest would be super cool.
As for -
In correlation to →
You could depict it as the Dragonsworn class utilising skills from all Dragonflights under a unified banner - having despite what Dragon sect you’re from (Black, Red, Blue etc) you can harness the secret powers of them all.
As for a heals spec, it could easily be inspired from the Red-Dragonflight’s healing fires, with autumn leaves animation (Reminiscence of the Ruby Dragonshire leaves) mixed in along with some Emerald-Dragonflight abilities.
It’s how I can be a high elf.
You stole it first tho…
If Blizzard did this then I’d make mine a blue dragon.
It’s a cool enough concept, but how would they make the player models would be the concerning part. The Drakonid feels like it would be the best way to go for that. I don’t think I’d want a form of any of the other races, tbh.
Let me be different!
In correlation to the leak, there was implemented ways they’d do this (Incoming copy/paste from MMO-champion) –
- Works like Worgen, customize your dragon form and humanoid appearances. Humanoid can be any race, including allied races. Extra customization options for humanoid form including horns, tails, jewelry, scales as well as effects like burning eyes and “molten blood” which is a cool new effect.
- Dragon Form is mainly used for travel and two racial abilities, story will explain why Dragons need to learn how to fight like mortals as one of the classes.
- Dragons can be Warrior, Mage, Rogue, Druid, Hunter, Warlock, Priest, Shaman and Paladin. All the original WoW classes.
- Dragon druid lore and shapeshift forms are “super fun”.
- Wrathion has been trying to restore the Black Dragonflight since Cata. Players are dragons that Wrathion has been overseeing in The Dragon Isles. Wrathion has recruited/kidnapped class trainers from all over Azeroth to train his new flight. The warlock trainer will cause some players to flip out.
- Since the battle with Deathwing all dragon aspects have been losing their magic. New dragons (players) need to learn how to fight alongside mortal races to save their race. Wrathions big thing is reversing the loss of magic from Dragons completely and protecting his flight.
- No big bad in 10.0 but there are infinite dragons, netherwing and some new Dragon Isles specific proto-races (there’s a pretty fun Trogg progenitor race that’s actually super advanced and intelligent). Going back to smaller zone-contained stories. Big focus on discovery, soft-rebooting Azeroth (the planet) and setting up future conflicts.
Now the leak suggested Black Dragonflight only (Rather limiting the potential for both players & Blizzard too because they’d reap so much more $$$ in race changes) – hence for my advocating it to be ALL Dragonflights in the thread -
I think EQ (and EQ2) did a pretty good job with the Iksar. I could see it happening in WoW.
If you wanna play a High Elf then Blood Elves are waiting for you friend, they’re literally High Elves - they chose the name ‘Blood Elves’ out of political reasons, was nothing to do with the fel.
Although – having a High Elf Dragonkin would be better - so I can see the point there.
Playable reptilian races are a staple of high fantasy.
Crime there hasn’t been one yet in WoW.
I have the Deathwing mount. My dragonkin would be riding Deathwing. Savage.
and I politically choose to be a high elf.
I’ve been for this as long as WoW has existed. A playable dragon sounds so fun, even if it is just aesthetic. I think that dragons are really peak fantasy to me and we have so few in WoW.
If that leak was real, I would be pretty happy for the most part, assuming that the Azeroth talent system would be a one and done deal.
I thought it was supposed to be two or three pygmies in a trench coat?
I remember years ago Bellyur proposed this in creative jest toward the camera. I think the lore, artistic direction, product managers, dev team as a whole are just plucking their muse from a variety of sources. What I want, is NO more factions.
We tried that with Bolvar…
He’s lame now… and also very much alive (er living death?).
Good gods, no more races.
Very much agree. It’s especially frustrating when we have awesome races like Saurok and Sethrak that would make for great playable races. Hopefully, we’ll see both become playable someday!
As for the “leak” itself, I’d prefer to keep an open mind until we see official announcements of what the next expansion will bring. I recall a lot of “leaks” of Shadowlands, where they got the theme right but the specific details weren’t correct. Seems like we’re in the phase of “leaks” popping up, since I’ve seen about 3 or 4 different ones. It does seem like Dragon Isles will have something to do with the next expansion, though I don’t think anyone really knows what features it will bring with it.
Hopefully, an official announcement of the next expansion and its features will be soon.
This druid would be a green dragonflight. Change nothing cause they already use NE shape XD just give me strong spells
There’s a lot to unpack here.
IF Blizzard did in fact want to introduce a new “(Black) Dragonkin” race, there’s a few things they’d have to keep in mind:
- The Black Dragonflight was effectively wiped out during Cataclysm, so all “new” Dragonflight characters would likely be children of Wrathion (alliance?) or Ebyssian/Spiritwalker Ebonhorn (horde?).
- Continuing with the issue of “Black Dragonflight Extinction”, it’s possible that:
- Time traveling shenanigans allows for a new clutch mother to be obtained by either Wrathion or Ebyssian.
- Members of the “Dragonkin” race are actually only “half-dragon”, with alliance being “half-human” and horde being “half-highmountain-tauren”… unless of course the Dragonkin have flexibility in what humanoid race they choose for their human form each time they transform.
- A new clutch is discovered on the Dragon Isles, or an island near the Dragon Isles. A new starting zone would need to mimic what they did for Pandaren.
- Similar to Wrathion in Mists of Pandaria, a Dragonkin’s “alternate form” would be likely be little more than a whelp. Perhaps the whelp could “grow up” as you level or unlock fly speeds, but that’s another topic entirely.
There are loads of other things to consider/discuss, but those stick out the most for me off the top of my head.
Island expeditions in BFA already introduced idea that there is a substantial new community of black dragons out there (of a variety of sizes and presumably ages).