Look at the word you used… try. Sure they will try. Whether it happens instantly like is being suggested or can even be done at will is another. Hell on the second stress test I tried to get an invite to the layer with all the shenanigans with asmon. Got an invite… never got moved to the layer though.
Personal experience is telling me that layer hopping won’t be as easy as shard hopping is in retail
“Invite me to your shard” - I have seen this dozens of times on streams and in videos from beta you are wrong on how hard it is to swap a shard.
Also, watching clips of people like Cdew walk up to a rare spawn in Stonetalon asking for an invite to group to see what it drops, they invite him, the mob despawns and they are sent to a different shard, makes me want to puke and cry.
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If the consequences of using the feature to your advantage are big enough to warrant punishment from Blizzard, it means layering has such a strong capability to derail how the game is supposed to work, that using it to benefit yourself has to be prevented in order to keep the game balanced for everyone.
So how inconsequential is it then, if it would require action on Blizzards side? Would they even be able to see each case clearly where it’s used to exlpoit, rather than just to group up and so on? Something to consider.
You can tell me I’m wrong but personal my experience tells me otherwise. So I could care less if your 3rd party experience says otherwise to you.
Beta has a lot less players so maybe its easier because the layers there aren’t nearly as full as they were on the stress test.
That means one of two things bud…
You joined a group with a guy on a different shard and couldn’t see him and his shard. This means that gameplay will be atrocious, you won’t even be able to see your friends.
You thought you got an invite to that shard but didn’t.
I did get an invite to that shard and I was standing where I needed to be to see everything. You’re right on the first part. It wasn’t working as intended I saw no one in my raid on the minimap or in game even though they were all in another layer experiencing the end of test SW shenanigans.
You are not dealing or responding to ANYTHING I am saying or others are saying about how easy it is to exploit. Literally ignoring it. Just trying to pretend like you can’t hop layers. There are videos up of people hopping layers. You can’t pretend it isn’t possible. We all know it is.
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Thats fine. It takes the average player 3 to 4 months to get to 60 in vanilla.
By the time you have enough alts to do that. Layering will be off.
Don’t hold your breath on that one.
I never said it isn’t possible. Just that from my experience its not as easy as you are claiming it will be.
This is an example of a self-centered person who lacks the ability to think about the big picture.
Here I am giving you solid logic and reason, examples even, for why this will destroy a servers economy and gameplay. You simply say, “ah who cares most people won’t exploit it”.
The game is destroyed! Some elite will exploit the system for gain and everyone else is a poor scrub. It is not intended, it isn’t good design, it isn’t good gameplay, it isn’t responsible…
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Well if you are sitting there waiting on a spawn (Brokentooth) it doesn’t hurt to relog. If you come back to the same layer (how can you tell ?) then nothing lost.
It will be as easy as a group invite. It will happen intentionally and unintentionally. Those exploiting it will obviously do it intentionally.
Were you absent the day they taught what an “opinion” is ?
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I re-logged, and i even got an invite to a raid group without layer hopping. In an event that has a lot more people on it than the beta where all your videos are coming from.
So maybe player population density has a lot to do with what layer hopping is possible.
The only time I experience a layer hop i was completely alone and mid fight of a mob. Mob went poof and more popped in around me.
You said you stayed in the same layer. How were you able to tell what layer you were in ?
The technical side of things is not made clear to us. Probably never will be. It won’t have to be.
Players are smart. They will figure out how to swap shards every way imaginable and they will do it.
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I agree it is bad. I am just saying that its not gonna be so easy to just re-log or get an invite. What if you accept the invite and instead of you moving to theirs they move to yours?
no no no… it has to be easily exploitable right?
Don’t get so worked up. Youll hurt something.
Also nothing youve stated is a known fact.
Its beta. Already since the second stress test its harder to just jump layers. Even aftwe logging off than back on
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