The scope of LFG channel is more for 5 men and above type of group.
I don’t want to spam the LFG channel for a simple quest, I want to see people in the open world leveling alongside me. I had to group up even for creating a guild because guess what, we haven’t seen each other to sign a simple charter.
You have to group up now to do quests you have 50 players competing
There’s clearly a balance between layering and no layering that needs to be struck. Grouping up for a simple quest using General Chat is very easy. Not being able to complete a quest because 15 people are all trying to insta tag mobs is exactly why layering/sharding was implemented.
Surely beats waiting in line to do a quest or kill mobs. Game also doesn’t feel dead to me with its many layers. Plenty of people still wondering around.
Also, all the joy of leveling is not dead to me, considering I still have plenty of that with my guild and those I party with. Nothing is ruined to me.
If you want that 1-layer experience, original classic servers provide that in spades and you can still do this same challenge there. I don’t want lines here, got a job and other things I do with my time so more dead feel doesn’t bother me a bit. But it still doesn’t come close to feeling dead anyway lol
So people need to be forced to group with you? Awkward.
Right, you use general. Which will be seen on all layers. By the way, the zones were packed yesterday. There’s no need to make them more crowded.
Layering just got me killed. I was in an area solo fighting the only mob alive that I could see. Then suddenly the entire area of mobs appeared along with a couple of other players. The one mob I was fighting, after having just cleared the area, was now as if I’d never been there. This sh** is obnoxious.
No, you standing in the middle of a pack got you killed.
Nice, you didnt even read what I typed. Good job
Nobody has that kind of time.
Retirement has its advantages…
This will be my third time retiring.
Ain’t got time for whining.
Oh yeah? Best of luck
I don’t think it’s going to last.
Volunteer work is what keeps me from making that mistake. Again…
I’ve been interviewing NGOs.
Maybe I’ll try to do some good for a change.
This is 1000 percent wrong, general is absolutely layered.