Stitchmasters Weekly with Sabrina “The Last Word” looks to be bugged about halfway through. Upon getting the key to release Inquisitor Darksion and reaching the crypt, the door is unable to be interacted with and when using the inventory item key it says every time it is “out of range” when used on the door. Confirmed by 2 other necrolords that they too couldn’t get in.
I’m also unable to open the crypt door. Nothing happens when clicking the highlighted door and attempting to use the key in my bags also receives the ‘out of range’ message.
Same issue here
I am having the same issue I have the key but the door will not open it says out of range when you click the key and try and use it. If you click the door itself nothing happens
I am having the same issue I have the key but the door will not open it says out of range when you click the key and try and use it. If you click the door itself nothing happens
can confirm this is the same problem i am having, please fix this.
Same issue here. I have the key but the door won’t open.
Same issue here, I managed to break in without the key but it did not help.
Sure am glad Blizzard support didn’t just suggest a visit to WowHead (a third party) and nothing else. Instead of letting us report this properly. -_-
Same problem
Same issue. Dropped the quest and got it again, got the key, still can’t open the door.
Same issue. Didn’t work Zoned out, Log out, log in and zone in. Neither dropping the quest and do it again. Quest ID: 62195
Same here.
Yo, it be brokeded
Putting my voice in here. The quest is broken for the reason mentinoed above.
Broken for me as well.
She probably ran off with the anima I lost making Backbone companions. Fix this quest, please and refund my 3k anima. Thanks
I have the same issue as well today.
Also have this issue. Hope it get’s fixed before reset.
they really need to put a damn warning on the companion that it uses 1k anima
Still having the same issue.