The Killer Bunnies - AOTC Raiding T/W & M+ Shenanigans M/F

:video_game::sparkles: The Killer Bunnies on Stormrage are calling all Heroic & Adventurous players to join our (AOTC) raiding madness! :rabbit::boom:

Who are The Killer Bunnies ?
The guild is mostly made up of people with families, so we try and limit the time we raid to give everyone plenty of flexibility. This means we like everyone to come prepared on raid nights because we have limited time. But we also stress that this game is about being with your guild having fun, and downing bosses is just the cherry on top. We get the whole group laughing on raid nights.

Some of us are former mythic, or try hard heroic raiders who had families and had to cut back on gaming. We have several people who get KSM each season and push keys. Fridays are usually big push nights for M+ and we have several people who get those last minute keys in on Sunday and Monday nights.

Currently looking for new friends for TWW:
Raiding times? 8:15 to 10:30 PM EST every Tuesday and Wednesday.

And if you’re up for Mythic Plus shenanigans, we’re flexing on Fridays and Mondays, or whenever five of us are feeling that gaming itch.

What makes us stand out? We’re not just about the loot; we’re the guild that’s got your back with everything you need — food, crafted gear, enchants, gems, you name it! We use Discord regularly, are often online, and we are always reachable through it.

Now, here’s the lowdown on what we’re after.

  • Ranged DPS, we are looking at you. We need a few more Ranged Dps to round out our little group and balance us out.
  • We have an open spot or 2 in melee and we are hunting for a Death Knight but if you are another Melee Dps class hit us up - Don’t be shy.
    We’re on the rise, and we want you to be part of the adventure!

We’re all about that flexibility and inclusivity so if you’re thinking, “Hey, these Killer Bunnies sound like my kind of crew,” then let’s chat. Hit up Anaranae on Bnet (Anaranae#1516) or Discord (Anaranae).

Catch our vibes on Facebook at TheKillerBunnies and witness the action live on Twitch at Anaranae.

Level up your gaming fun with The Killer Bunnies—where every raid is a party!
:rabbit2: #KillerBunniesGaming #RaidWithUs #GuildGoals :rocket: