Lonely Player looking for a great guild to start running with in War Within and others

Hi Faeynna,

If you have not found a home already or if you find you need one again I wanted to let you know about my guild The Killer Bunnies.

We have been around since Wrath of the Lich King with a few times off for me (having a baby, finishing a degree) but the guild carries on and we ebb and flow with the expansions.

One thing that I think makes us different from other guilds is that we are looking for good people who like to play well. You don’t have to be a rockstar to have a spot in raid or get into the M+ runs. We take time to get to know people and some of us have been friends for 15 years (I married my co-gm from years ago and we are still together)

We do offer to help out with all things needed in game, food, flasks, potions, even helping people pick talents or taking them on gear runs when needed.

We always strive for fun because it is a game and we are all people who deserve to be treated well and appreciated. Also we are ironically whiping on trash and then we 1 or 2 shot the boss :slight_smile:

You can reach me at bnet: Anaranar#1516 or Discord @Anaranae and we can talk more if you like what you see.

Here is the link to my full forum post also: