The Kidnap Meta: Blood DK's Removing Priests from Rated BGs at 2300+MMR

Stick to your team, or vice versa, I guess.

Either way, it’s a skill issue. Don’t shoot at me I’m just the jury.

You have to tell me the escape sequence before you can claim it’s a skill issue.

It’d probably be dependent on the map such as Silvershard Mines or Arathi Basin/Deepwind Gorge. Silvershard Mines they could Death Grip into water and keep them there. AB/DG attack a base with no healers, they send reinforcements to that base (including a Priest) and then DK intercepts and keeps healer from joining fight. That’s my guess.

I think this is fair but at the same time I don’t think you should bag on the guy for believing there’s some type of imbalance and wanting it nerfed.

Even though I don’t do RBGs and can’t claim this as an issue, I do think it’s ridiculous how most knockbacks have a DR but Death Grip doesn’t. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask for Death Grip being put on a DR.

At this point you’ve heard it before but it’s not so much “escaping” as being “rescued.”

Then why would you invite a priest, when a dragon/mistweaver doesn’t need to be rescued?

Because priests are tanky and make people like me angy.

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cheers, will do

Right, so anyway, this is the Meta at 2300+ MMR up to and beyond Hero right now.

I guess they aren’t skilled for executing this Blood DK strat, because it’s so easy to counter.

Reality Check bro:
Only one person can talk at a time in voice comms.
If the majority of voice comms concerns a blood DK, you effectively lost voice comms.

Voice Communication Time is the most valuable resource in RBGS.

Furthermore, any rescue attempt comes at the cost the Battleground Objectives.

So you now have two dps and a healer, in some remote corner of the map, occupying voice comms.

Or of course, you could just invite a MW/Dragon and not have to worry about this crap to begin with.

Which would you choose?

I suppose a third of your medical division is a fair trade for comms and the objective then!

Not trying to say this doesn’t need to be nerfed (because it is pretty ridiculous and it wouldn’t hurt being put on a DR) but couldn’t you also just bring a death knight of your own, an Unholy DK/Frost DK, and if you see a Blood DK on their team, have that DPS DK switch to Blood?

Have the two pull each other and you effectively take the annoyance out of the BG. Sure, you’re down a player, but so are they.

Both DKs strolling up to each other on the road like “FINALLY! A worthy opponent! Our battle shall be LEGENDARY!”

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Thank you brother, I cannot post links myself yet.

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He wants it nerfed for the wrong reason

Not because it’s unbeatable

Because he refuses to play around it

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Yes, you could do this. Or just invite a MW/Dragon instead of a priest, and have your DK play unholy.

Regardless if it’s for the wrong reason or not, you can’t say that it isn’t busted :b

I don’t get why other knockbacks are on a diminishing return but death grip isn’t.

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It’s not busted, I beat blood dks everyday, with a priest on my team

That’s the priest I play with

Is it really a knockback though if it’s more of a… pull forward?

It’s more a GG.

I don’t know mate, with the amount of slows available to a blood death knight and the relatively short cooldown of Death Grip and two charges, Abomination Limb, and Gorefiends Grasp? Come on lol.