The Kidnap Meta: Blood DK's Removing Priests from Rated BGs at 2300+MMR

yea I am pretty good =)

Got to 2200 cr tonight, very pog

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Imagine the Top Blood DK’s name is HealrStealr

https ://


IDK why some people in here are being hostile and dismissive. This sounds like a legitimate concern and I’ve seen multiple threads on here on this exact subject.

If your team has to go rescue you they are going to fall behind and probably lose. Healers are far too important to taken out of fights for expended durations and priests are definitely the most vulnerable targets. This would be far more effective than CCing or killing a healer. Like the old days of leaving them oom and not letting them drink or die.

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because the person started immediately egoing anyone who disagreed with them

They brought up a problem

I gave them the solution (I play with the people they face)

and they said I get carried and don’t actually do rbgs


Drinking takes far longer than anything a lone Blood DK can do :thinking:

Your solution is a KNOWN losing solution, because you are taking dps two away from battleground objectives to rescue a priest.

When the DK dies, he comes back to life at the GY, and starts all over again.

Your solution is to trade one healer and two dps for one blood dk for the entire game.

I’m telling you what we lose to

You just don’t have the capacity to understand it =S

Tell this poor disc priest what do in the video:

I’m sure he’ll agree with you.

I’m going to keep making these videos until this is fixed.

Some of us get owned and get better
some of us cry on the forums

Telle me how to escape a blood dk as priest, without team support (that is, without having dps sacrifice battleground objectives to rescue a healer).

Trade 1 dps for 1 dps

Any questions?

Dps unga bunga blood dk

You get away

Tell me you don’t play a healer without telling me you don’t play a healer.

You drink on the down times after a fight, because most fights won’t last that long if you have competent DPS focusing healers and CCing properly. You won’t need to drink until fight is over.

Also, just pick up a restoration power up, wtf. I pick those up sometimes mid combat lol. Full mana, woo.

After reading ~150 of the 200+ posts over the course of two days, I have a perfectly unbiased and objective diagnosis.

Skill issue.

Edit: Also, the highest I’ve ever gotten was ~1590 RBGs in Shadowlands Season 1, as Outlaw. So don’t come at me with PvP check, I never said I was any good!

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I guess another solution would be bring a death knight on your team and have him switch Blood if there’s another DK on the enemy team who switched Blood.

Have the two be romantic spit swapping death gripping homies. They can keep each other company since both of them are wheelchairs.


I feel like if your goal is “Hero of the X”

You gotta be able to deal with all team

I feel like if your goal is “Hero of the X”

You gotta be able to deal with all team

Most fights, yes.
But not all.

To be honest Im having a hard time visualising how a Blood DK can drag a back-line healer out of a fight.

If you’re positioned correctly, he would need to venture into the mid-fight, then pull, stun, move away, pull again … but you’d still be within range of your team.

Or do they do something else? :thinking:

Ok, since you claim it’s a skill issue.

Tell us the sequence that a priest executes to escape a Blood DK.

Don’t mind me, I’m not going to hold my breathe.

If you want hero, you gotta be able to beat a blood dk

In the same way if you want rank 1 you gotta be able to deal with all arena comps

Watch the end of this video.

I made a demonstration for you, as a totally noob blood dk who doesn’t even know what half their abilities do.