The Kidnap Meta: Blood DK's Removing Priests from Rated BGs at 2300+MMR

Well, it’s forced movement of a character. Yeah it’s a pull, you’re right, but you could say the same about knock up effects. They aren’t knockbacks specifically, more of a knock up, yet they have DRs :stuck_out_tongue:

I posted a game of a blood dk trying to kidnap me (Best blood dk NA actually)

I suggest you see how I dealt with it

I told my arms warrior to come kill them, we killed them almost instantly (with disarm) and we won the game

Were you on a priest

It’s dramatically easier to kill a blood dk when not on a prot paladin I promise you

Were you on a Priest though. If so, link the video so numb nuts can see how you do it.


I would dark arch pi’d my warrior that instantly killed them, and they would have died 50% quicker

So are you speaking hypothetically or are you speaking as if you did it?

So my warrior came over and instantly killed the blood dk as I was being kidnapped

I threw a judgement for 15k and they died

I’m stupid what does power infusion even do on retail again?

(Stinky Classic brain went "PI a Warr- what- wah-)

I play with a skull splitter warrior

Darkarch/pi is 40% increased damage for 6 seconds

So the blood dk that got killed by my 1 arms warrior ( a much better blood dk than OP is facing) would have died much quicker

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Ah so you were on your Paladin.

Well, OP is talking about being kidnapped as a Priest :b

Paladins have freedom, bubble, steed, etc.

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Believe me I know your 1600 arena brain can’t wrap your head around how dark arch pi modifies a kill

If we’re talking about other classes now may I shill my spec?

Introducing: Outlaw Rogue! With advanced grappling hook technology you simply go back to wherever you were pulled away from! Never be inconvenienced by your dumb positioning ever again!

It’s like a bubble, but for your overextending, your losing, and your vertical challenges!

Actually faced nessper the other day on outlaw

he did really well on it

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Purely out of curiosity , but have you guys used that with berserker buff?

But I’m duelist q.q

All I’m saying is, I don’t think it’s unfair to bag on OP for asking for a nerf to something he believe is unbalanced, whether or not he’s using this specific example.

No we did not

Solo shuffle doesn’t count

You, and op can’t figure out that you just kill the blood dk

You don’t run, you kill them

F I L T H Y potential

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BfA does though.

If that counts then I’m a gladiator