The Kick System is TOO LOOSE

The VtK system is a great idea that doesn’t solve anything.

True, life was bad when there was no way to deal with a genuine malefactor in your group. But now they have just switch trolling hats.

Now people are kicked for meme value, cheap lawls, or some (very) minor domo demands satisfaction.

Groups and individuals are still getting trolled, people are still getting deserter debuffs without doing anything wrong and misbehaving players still call all the shots.

The system changed nothing except for how annoying it is to see Blizz swing, miss, and then leave the field as if they won.

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I think most of that information in that post was incorrect.

They do track this.

Kicked in LFG (follower) (hidden) - Number of times the player kicked someone in LFG, voting, but not initiating

as well as this

Kicked in LFG (initiator) (hidden) - Number of times the player kicked someone in LFG, initiating the kick

So unless the system is bugged there should be a kick cooldown for parties of 3.

And a party of 3 does need the 4th to vote to kick a person.


Just make it so a group that ques has 1 vote total. If a person is kicked they should get an instant que. Get 2 in a row then you get a debuff.

You know what else is too loose?

My shoe laces… I should fix that

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do you mean voice chat? cuz que-able groups never use it.
now if you are ignoring the text chat and getting kicked for that. what that means is you are doing something wrong, they are trying to tell you what you are doing wrong, and you are ignoring it… for that you deserve to be kicked.


kicking a fire mage is a reason to get kicked in lower level content.
if the tank keeps taking so much damage from just 2 mobs the healer has to spam heal thier mana bar away thats a reason to be kicked.

you mention ff14 but ive kicked countless people on ff14 for the exact same reasons.

generally i try top explain what they are doing wrong, like for example we had 2 fire mages and myself as a beastmaster in hardcore scholamance. i had almost 1 million total damage but both fire mages were siting at just 200k
we had wiped twice on lillian voss and i said one of them needs to leave so we can deal enough damage and we voted to kick the one that raged at us for just being bad when he had only 198 total damage.

another example is we had a bear tank in stratholme and he kept pulling huge groups and i was a holy prist, unable to heal him which is never a thing, holy is easily the best healer besides druid so i shoulda been able to heal him just fine but he wasnt tanking properly. so i asked him to and he said “just heal better” and he got kicked. there is no just heal better, do your job and you wont get kicked.

there are times where it will be impossible to go on if you are playing how you want, if you wanna play how you want stick to questing otherwise you will get kicked.

actually no. 3 votes equals a kick because of the majority vote and the number of players who tend to somtimes be afk.
ive also gotten kicks off with just me and one other person cause our entire party was afk besides us.
and the two of us managed to kick the other 3
it only limits you if you frequently vote to kick players like i do, i kick somone at least once every third dungeon while lvling because of a new player or older player who wants to flame and rage instead of listen and finish the dungeon.
and i get limited to one vote a dungeon after about the third player kicked

There are different rules for people being AFK - because they don’t vote.

no it is by far much better. ive had a way better experiance after kicking many troll players than i would have if the system didnt exist. ive also had parties intentionally use the system against me to mess with me but theres no way to fix that thats even in ff14 which they used as an example, ive been kicked from that game at least 5 times just because i played a lalafell
a vote to kick sysetm is flawed in the fact that its majority VOTE, no proof is needed for a vote.
in order for proof to be aquired thered have to be an admin to handle each and every case which takes to much time.
the system is fine how it is

that is an actual reason. if you wont listen to your party you deserve to be kicked end of discusion.

yes exactly and if they are a new player the only new players i have EVER kicked are the ones who refused to listen to advice from everyone and continuously made the run harder on us or they were just toxic towards everyone when it was thier fault we couldnt move wforward

Look at it this way, it’s a tool that’s being used by some tool behind a keyboard.

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That’s fine. I understand them kicking me, and I don’t mind it. I get it. Getting kicked sometimes is a small price to pay for the focus and joy I get as a result of disabling the in-game chat.

I don’t like the ‘deserter’ debuff. That’s why I commented. Please read the whole comment before replying to me.

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the deserter debuff is needed. honestly im glad you get it so at least for 30 mins you dont hinder yet another group from playing the game

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If you’re going to have a deserter debuff, it should be a ban instead IMO. If you are causing trouble, you shouldn’t be allowed to play! Wild, it’s weird that you turn the chat off, but it doesn’t sound like such a crime.

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its not a crime, but think ogf how many runs get put on hold because people are trying to comunicate and one guys just standing there doing nothing, hes obviously afk so they kick them and wait for a new person
when really his chats turned off

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if you are selfish enough to not care about wasting the time of 4 other people in the group, then you deserve to have some of your time wasted in return.


this is made worse if hes the healer or the tank because like for example the healer could ask to wait to refuill mana but then he just pulls another group instead like ive seen plenty of tanks do who have chat turned off
then the healer has 5% mana and an entire group of enemies to heal through ending in a wipe

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I’ll take the debuff.
Your idea is awful, go back to classic.


pffft agreeed