The kelfin love/allied race discussion thread ✿

would you stay horde or switch to neutral?

wellll… it depends. i’ve got a handful of vulpera, so… this guy might go alliance.

What if they made MUrlocs playable

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I don’t know what does it mean. I hope it’s not just customizations for Goblins because it will be the most boring and laziest thing to do for them.

I can understand it for Wildhammer Dwarves, Man’ari Eredar, Dragonmaw Orcs or Leper Gnomes. But Gilgoblin are totally different from Goblins, they don’t work like Goblins, they don’t build things like Goblins, they live in the waters (Goblins live on the ground) and they are more primitive than Goblins. And does a regular Goblin with aquatic attributes (use the Gilgoblin attributs in a regular Goblin) is totally ridiculous.

They deserve to get their own allied race with their own racials and their own voice. They even get a starter area in Ogrimmar. There are good stories to do with the Unshackled and the Horde, for example about the slavery and the freedom.

If it’s the future for other races so it’s a really bad move so stop to release races who deserve their own playable race. Meanwhile, Horde is still waiting for other true race customizations:

  • Felborne skin for Nightborne
  • Red skin (Fel/Chaos Orc) for Orcs
  • Felblood elf skins (red and blue) for Blood Elves
  • Feltotem skin for Highmountain Tauren
  • Dragonmaw Orc skin for Orcs
  • Forest Troll skin for Trolls (or make a bukly allied race :stuck_out_tongue:)
  • Grimtotem skins and tattoos for Tauren

Where are all these customizations? Dragonmaw Orc or Forest Troll should have been the perfect thing with Wildhammer Dwarves contrary to sand troll or dark troll who aren’t in the Horde.

But if it’s only for a quest is nice.

And of course if it’s for a playable race and this thing is for more Gilgoblin cosmetics so it’s even better

But please don’t make Gilgoblins just a lazy customization for Goblins. They deserve a better treatment. If you want add a true race customization you already have between 5 and 7 races for this.


Somewhat disappointing, but not entirely unexpected. In fact, as much as I had hoped Blizzard would release them as a separate AR, deep inside I knew they were going to end up being customizations.

Your points are valid, though, and I do think devs are aware of the issues that implementing races through customizations entails… Mmm, maybe I’m being too optimistic, but what if they’re planning on revamping the races’ UI by merging ARs with their parent races? I don’t remember who it was, but someone on Twitter had an excellent idea on this matter. You would choose a race and within that race you’d have subraces options, with different racials and name tags.

That would be the best solution. Hopefully devs are considering doing that instead of slapping races as customizations going forward.


So much this…

Kelfin deserve to be an Allied Race more than most. They cannot just be customizations nothing would be right for them like that. Ugh.


As much as they would indeed have deserved a full-fledged AR spot, unfortunately that ship has long sailed I believe, so I’d still be incredibly happy with a set of Gilgoblin customization options given as a reward for completing a lore questline (ala Dark Ranger/Man’ari) in which the Unshackled formally join the Horde.

Cuz Blizzard has a history of barely ever reusing factions and races introduced in past expansions, and the Unshackled definitely looked like the exact same thing was gonna happen to them lol. So if we get to hear from the Unshackled again and play as a Gilgoblin this way, I’d still be super glad


Then we need to scream at blizzard here and on Twitter for blizzard to do the right thing with Kelfin and make them their own race with their own racials.

They are not even remotely able to just be customization like the Wildhammer or Man’ari and honestly both of those deserved a lot better then they got!


Neither of them deserved to have their racials and culture ignored. (At least with Man’ari we got a nice quest to rectify that a bit and they slightly changed the racials look.) Wildhammer especially.

And both of those don’t have significant derivations of their species to account for.

Gilgoblins are not goblins. And just like a Wildhammer dwarf should have had its Stormhammers and gryphon affinities represented in their racials the Kelfin need to have their racials addressed or whats the point of bothering?

Goblin racials and culture and voice lines won’t ever match any Gilgoblin ever. Just using them as customization is a terrible way to go about this in almost every regard.

If Blizzard can’t do it right they shouldn’t do it at all.


I wouldn’t mind it. Love the manari stuff. My goblins getting gilgoblin stuff would be nice.

I can see them throwing like a harpoon instead of a missile.


Racials can also suck sometimes. My nightborne warrior really appreciates that 1% magic damage done instead of something like a 1%crit/haste buff…

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If Blizzard at least adds water breathing and changes the racials looks I think I’d feel better about it but the Gilgoblins deserve a heck of a lot better than customizations pasted over a goblin.

Those voice lines would never work.

I hope blizzard one day cares about their races feel and stories again… But if they’re just gonna keep pasting vastly different cultures over the currently playable ones they’ll never get there.

Do it right or don’t do it at all.

Also very agreed.

Blizzard could do with making racials actually useful for every class in some way.

Like even if it just changed from 1% magic damage to 1% haste for a warrior or something.

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I would like the allied race treatment. But I also don’t want them to never include. I would prefer having the cosmetics at bare minimum. Been waiting on Naga forever and the only way you can do that right now is two toys.

I wouldn’t mind permenant cosmetics. Blizzard needs to add voice packs to customization too some day with all these fused stuff. They can do that later.

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Hoo boy.

Well, what a thing to wake up to this morning. I’m assuming this is referring to Gilgoblins as a Customization race and that it would be Kelfin specific, so I’ll be grumbling about that for this post.

I was hoping that the Kelfin would be different enough to be their own race, but instead, it seems like they’re just going to end up being Goblins cosplaying and LARPing as them instead.

It’s effectively the equivalent of getting your most wanted character in Smash Bros. as a Mii costume. It doesn’t feel right, doesn’t feel great, looks awkward, and doesn’t really have much as they would have if they were their own being.

Needless to say that I have not been too fond of how Customization Races have been handled. The idea isn’t a bad one, especially with a sub-race system, but they generally feel lazily slapped onto races without much love or care, with that race’s identity, culture, and presence being ripped out and discarded.

Not to mention that in the case of the Darkfallen, it’s just a skin with a specific eye color attached that can’t be separated. Also they can’t be used for Death Knights still, which is rather silly given their history. Would Kelfin just be a skin or two? Would they get any features that NPC’s have? Would said features get to be edited with the skin or skins we get?

Then of course there is the issue that I’ve been going over like a broken record: Kelfin being able to drown in a puddle of water despite being a race that lived in the deep ocean for all of their life. I really don’t see Blizzard coding racials to be skin specific, and at best, we might be given the lame reason that they acclimated to living on land that their gills don’t function as well as before just to explain the whole thing. Not a great feeling regardless.

Then we have the voice lines, which likely won’t change at all despite a race living in the deep ocean would sound different than a race living on land. Then again, we have Darkfallen, who should sound different as Forsaken do compared to Humans, sounding as if they’re regular Blood Elves and acting as if they went to the local Hot Topic for a Halloween Party. Thus my line of “cosplaying and LARPing” as the Customization Race.

They’ll also have some sort of identity crisis as the Kelfin shout “FOR KEZAN!” and other Goblin specific lines which makes no sense for Kelfin to shout that. Many racials also will just not fit, such as summoning Hobgoblins, even if the racials somehow were edited to be themed more to Kelfin stuff. I’m sure there is much more I could nitpick here, but I think I got the point across.

I get that making new races, even ones like Allied Races where there is a base to work on of various sorts, take a lot of resources. However, just slapping these races onto Parent Races without giving them an identity, storyline presence, and feeling like a lesser thing isn’t really the best way to go about doing it.

Things have been slightly better with questlines that can unlock them to have some sort of storyline, but even then, they’re not going to get featured with other playable races in-game or on websites that show off the playable races in the game. I’d be surprised if any of the Horde Customization Races get a seat on the Horde Council, and I have to wonder if they’ll even get a presence in-game for any storylines aside from the odd side quest or two.

I said this in my Ogre megathread and I’ll say it again regarding Customization Races. It’s effectively a soup sandwich: a messy eyesore that shouldn’t have been combined in the first place that doesn’t do any fans of soups or sandwiches any favors, with long lasting stains that act as reminders of what could have been had more work been put into the concept.

As I said before, if I ever get on that Community Council, one of the first things I’ll bring up are Customization Races and their treatment. I do believe there is a good balance between putting in Customization Races while keeping their identity, culture, and in-game presence in-tact. I just wish there was a full sub-race system that did that instead of just what we have currently.

I’m also guessing this would affect the chances of Ankoan being playable. At this point, I’m assuming we’d see Jinyu being playable as the parent race with Ankoan as the Customization race, assuming that options for both aren’t combined from the beginning.

If Gilgoblin customization does get added in the future, I’ll analyze it and see if they can indeed drown and such. I’m also assuming this would be unlocked from a questline, likely with us finally helping the Kelfin and them joining the Horde.

But at this point, I suspect work and resources have been utilized to add them as a Customization Race, and I have no way of knowing how to even get our opinions on the matter to get shown. Even then, would they even care? It’s all so utterly frustrating to see races you want to see playable just being given the lesser treatment.

I’m sure I could go on, but it’d be another thesis paper I could type. If I think of anything else to point out, which I’m sure there is plenty, I’ll be sure to do so. Otherwise, we’ll see what direction is gone with Kelfin and what treatment they’ll get.

-30 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!-



Best thing you can push for now is adding voice options in the barbershop for inclusion of other subraces into the main races.

This could also open up some customization/ clan specific voice lines. Like grimtotem for tauren for example eventually. Or maybe for blood elves fel elf, holy elf, or more high elf tailored voicelines for example.

For trolls this could include clan specific voice lines like the sand troll/dark trolls for example. Maybe possibly one day add blood troll skins/hairstyles too and voicelines.

This would remedy stuff like Manari having dranei voicelines. I can see gilgoblin customizations adding another racial for water breathing, (wouldn’t make much of a big deal, for goblins they could have just an automatic breathing gadget, it wouldn’t be an op racial at all, gilgoblins would just show breathing with the gils while underwater).

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Wish the Sea Goblins was a thing for those who wanted Sea Goblins for Goblins.

It’s been long time.


The Man’ari having a fel colored Gift of the Naaru shows Blizzard is willing to use the customizations as a trigger for the playable character in question. So a Kelfin skin might not be restricted by water breathing or they could play with the triggers and have the NPCS respond to a skin customization. For example, instead of being called a goblin NPCs would refer to Kelfin skinned players as a Kelfin or Gilgoblin.


I’d like to hope that Gilgoblins as a Customization Race would be able to breathe underwater. However, seeing as Darkfallen require air when they shouldn’t, given how Forsaken don’t need to breathe underwater, it still worries me that the lazy route will be given to them.

And no, I shouldn’t need to carry either water breathing potions or have the water breathing fishing pole from the Tuskarr faction in WotLK equipped when my Gilgoblin characters have a perfect set of working gills on them. It’s just silly otherwise, even if some lame excuse was given for how their gills changed as they started to venture on land because reasons.

I’m going to be thinking some on what would be reasonable to see for Gilgoblins as a Customization Race, much as I’m not fond of the whole concept in general. Aside from the whole water breathing thing and some minor edits to racials (Hobgoblin changed to something from the Unshackled as an example), mostly I want to see the Kelfin and Unshackled officially join the Horde and have presence in several places and in storylines going forward.

I do recommend people who have been wanting Kelfin playable to start discussing it and what they want to see with them as a Customization Race. Work may have been going on for Gilgoblin customization, but it is still important to give feedback so that it isn’t just a lazy job of stapling Kelfin onto Goblins. With luck, Blizzard will take our feedback into consideration for them and any other Customization Race, both present and future ones.

–27 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!–



Considering how the Man’ari unlock was open to both sides with the Velen quest, I wonder if this data-mined Kelfin skin will be too. Like an easy Horde exclusive quest would be seeing the Unshackled formally join the Horde, but I’m drawing a bit of a plank on what the quest would be for both sides.


I hope they won’t be a customization but if they are so we must get these customizations:

  • the four color skins for Gilgobins


  • an all-in-one skin, no sepate ears and flippers
  • we can choose the color of our eyes
  • new and more hairtstyles for Goblins
  • unique model for npcs with their own voice lines (use the ones, models and voice lines, from Gilgoblins already in the game)
  • Gilgobins walking in Orgrimmar now