I don’t know what does it mean. I hope it’s not just customizations for Goblins because it will be the most boring and laziest thing to do for them.
I can understand it for Wildhammer Dwarves, Man’ari Eredar, Dragonmaw Orcs or Leper Gnomes. But Gilgoblin are totally different from Goblins, they don’t work like Goblins, they don’t build things like Goblins, they live in the waters (Goblins live on the ground) and they are more primitive than Goblins. And does a regular Goblin with aquatic attributes (use the Gilgoblin attributs in a regular Goblin) is totally ridiculous.
They deserve to get their own allied race with their own racials and their own voice. They even get a starter area in Ogrimmar. There are good stories to do with the Unshackled and the Horde, for example about the slavery and the freedom.
If it’s the future for other races so it’s a really bad move so stop to release races who deserve their own playable race. Meanwhile, Horde is still waiting for other true race customizations:
- Felborne skin for Nightborne
- Red skin (Fel/Chaos Orc) for Orcs
- Felblood elf skins (red and blue) for Blood Elves
- Feltotem skin for Highmountain Tauren
- Dragonmaw Orc skin for Orcs
- Forest Troll skin for Trolls (or make a bukly allied race )
- Grimtotem skins and tattoos for Tauren
Where are all these customizations? Dragonmaw Orc or Forest Troll should have been the perfect thing with Wildhammer Dwarves contrary to sand troll or dark troll who aren’t in the Horde.
But if it’s only for a quest is nice.
And of course if it’s for a playable race and this thing is for more Gilgoblin cosmetics so it’s even better
But please don’t make Gilgoblins just a lazy customization for Goblins. They deserve a better treatment. If you want add a true race customization you already have between 5 and 7 races for this.