The kelfin love/allied race discussion thread ✿

The sillies and flirts kill me.

Wonderful addition to the Kelfin cause!


Can they be death knight…err deathfins


I don’t see why not…

Also I get the impression Blizzard will let all races in the future be Death Knight.


For me at present, my top 5 most wanted races are Saurok (Horde), Ogres (Horde), San’layn (Horde), Saberon (Either), and Kelfin (Horde). All pretty close to each other as well.

I have characters reserved for each of those races. I hope I get to make them someday!

I’m curious if future races becoming Death Knights will use the Bolvar starting area or if there will be a third area for new Death Knight races.

Either way, Kelfin would fit in the Bolvar area just fine in my opinion. I don’t see why they wouldn’t be able to become Death Knights at some point, even if they wouldn’t be able to at first. :japanese_goblin::trident:

Been posting this in a few megathreads, but something of potential interest for Kelfin fans is the Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor book, set to release tomorrow (October 19th).

It’s a book where Zekhan (Zappy Boy) and Rexxar travel across Kalimdor to explore it and write down their findings. You can find more info and some sample pages here:

Since The Unshackled were chilling out on the shores of Durotar, part of me wondered if there was a chance that we could see the Horde (or at least Zekhan and Rexxar) meet with them finally in the book, either in Durotar or elsewhere. Granted, I don’t know when this book is suppose to take place, since during Shadowlands, Azeroth is suppose to be overrun with undead causing havoc. I assume this is before Shadowlands, as I don’t see how those two could travel the continent in at all with undead constantly attacking.

There isn’t an ETA of my pre-order, so I don’t know when I’ll actually get it. However, I’ll keep an eye out for anything of Kelfin interest when it does arrive. :japanese_goblin::trident:


That would be cool.

Just some confirmation they’re sticking around would be welcome.

I’d imagine just before SLs but after BFA.


Supporting Kelfin as an Allied Race.

They clearly must go Horde, to compensate Goblin players who are missing their equivalent allied race (that’s of course my subjective opinion).

As usual, the Druid class would be a very cool option for Kelfin. They’re basically the other side of the coin of Goblins, so them appreciating Nature (instead of destroying it carelessly) is logical. I imagine their forms would all be inspired on Nazjatar beasts. :heart:


I’d be okay with using technology instead of magic for a paladin. As long as they’re doing paladin-y things, then sure…protecting others and upholding justice etc.

Then again, you can always fall back to that Arthur C Clarke quote…“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”


Support for Kelfin.

They could help Orgrimmar establish a proper dock built into the wall of Orgrimmar on the ocean side and become wonderful marines for the Horde.

Not to mention the fun of playing them!

Also Druid for them is a must I think.


With a new patch having arrived, I wanted to keep my promise and check on our Unshackled friends on the shores of Durotar to see if they’re still there and/or if anything has changed.

…yep, they’re still chilling on the shores of Durotar. Just waiting there…so close, yet so far away…

Didn’t notice any particular changes to them at all. I assume it is the same for the Unshackled in general in Nazjatar. They must be very patient to be on the shores of Durotar all this time. Considering the Horde is gonna owe me several more favors after saving the world (of Warcraft!) once more, I’d make the official induction of the Unshackled to the Horde as one of those favors. Then again, they only seem to pay attention to me when the world (of Warcraft!) is in peril. Go figure.

Didn’t expect much out of this patch for the Unshackled, but I’ll keep checking on them as we get new patches in the future. :japanese_goblin::trident:


I’m glad to know they’ve not been moved at all. Hopefully when they are moved it will be to Orgimmar proper… maybe a new dock built into the side of the ocean cliffs rather than that nearly indefensible stretch of beach they use now.


As most people have likely heard by now, the upcoming patch 9.2 is going to be “the final act for Shadowlands.” It seems safe to say that this is likely the last major patch for the expansion.

As usual, I’ll check on our Unshackled friends on the shores of Durotar and likely check out Nazjatar in case anything does change. I’ll be keeping them in mind, since we don’t know what direction the next expansion will end up going. I assume they’re helping to fend off the undead that is supposedly rampaging across the world (of Warcraft!) while we’re busy in the Shadowlands.

Speaking of, one of the bigger rumors going around is that we might see a revamp of the old world, which I assume will be Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. If that ends up becoming true, then we could see the Unshackled part of such a revamp. It’d be fairly easy to make a cove of some sort in Durotar for them to reside in, along with putting them around the shipyards, helping to build/repair boats from within the water.

We also know that Azshara is still out there, likely up to no good, so Nazjatar isn’t quite safe to stay in since we kinda left it rather quickly and it has submerged underwater again, I assume. This provides a good reason for the Kelfin to want to seek out the Horde to join them, and having underwater allies has numerous advantages to accepting them as members of the Horde.

To be clear, the old world revamp rumor is just a rumor and I’m moreso just commenting on the idea of it. I’m sure if we start doing stuff back on Azeroth, you could easily implement the Unshackled into the storyline to assist us at any point, so I still have hope for playable Kelfin. Preferably as their own race as opposed to being slapped onto Goblins without much fanfare, like how Wildhammers were sadly treated (they deserve better than Bronzebeards LARPing as them, dagnabbit!).

I’ll still keep supporting playable Kelfin and keeping an eye on their activity. It’ll likely be awhile before we see any sort of announcement of the next expansion, but there is some neat storyline potential if we do get to see them and the Unshackled again in the future.

Hopefully, we’ll see that character creation screen gradually fill with races people have been requesting for quite awhile! :japanese_goblin::trident:


Even better if their cove is just underneath the new Orgrimmar Docks coming off the seaside cliff of the cities walls. A nice well defendable port with a cave or two leading into the main city equipped with gates to shut and bar if attack comes.


I don’t think the Kelfin should remain in Nazjatar. Its just not safe and they can do a lot of good with a strong ally like the Horde.

They need to be their own AR. They cannot work as mere customization. They breathe water for one…

But more on they are not like the goblins.

Keep a weather eye out. I will as well.


Weekly support! :stuck_out_tongue:


Happy U.S. Thanksgiving to Kelfin fans who celebrate it! Still keeping hope that we’ll see the Unshackled as part of the Horde someday! :japanese_goblin::trident:


I am hoping we can get them as customization alongside an identity tag system since a few races seem to have more then one race/clan in them already with assets that are unique enough to be there own race (void elves come to mind). Identity tags is like being able to choose the name that npcs call you and when you hover over your character like Highmountain Tauren vs Tauren.

I love their skin tones, glowing eyes, cool looking ears, and body tattoos. Their disguise toys is one of my favorites to use on all classes, especially paladin, rogues and druids. It would be nice to use the coral ancient forms with them. Shark form would be cool with Gral.


That looks really nice. Very adorable. I hope they do become playable someday. My apologies if it seems a bit abhorrent I have not been replying much to this thread lately. My mindset right now is I don’t want to be consistently concerned if they will or will not be playable since that can cause stress. So I generally focus on other things, but its still a good idea to request new things.

I got an EU kelfin thread up by the way and it is going well.


Kelfin should be a full AR with all the bells and whistles.

For the Horde.


Hey Bagzak. I need to talk to you in discord when you have a chance.

Just a reminder that Kelfin should be a Horde AR.