The Jailer

Despite what haters think the Jailer is not a bad character…so this “what is to come” is still there and so far only he (and possibly Denathrius) knows about it. The Jailer should reactivate himself in another vessel but not necessarily take on the giant form so he can move around unnoticeable and incrementally show up in the game through various expansions possibly via quests and dungeons doing death stuff. This could temporarily fix the “how are we getting new DKs” question.

And I do say Jailer and not Zovaal because I think he should be known as such and carry on his previous ambitions.


Yes, yes he was.

It was all stupid. All of it.


Jailer was the only character to even get close to how great Garrosh Hellscream was

Shame SL writing just kinda… didn’t

Should just bring him back with 0 explanation

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stupid robot like… .thing.

boring lame, dumbest thing ever


The Jailer was like a Mystery novel who-done-it where at the very end it introduces a brand new character never mentioned at anytime previous that was the mastermind of it all.


All stupid. All dumb. All terrible.


I will have to say… I miss SL purely for the meme content that people came out with. The expac was FULL of folks meming it. lol


Pump the brakes. Now you need to defend him. Get started on that then we can get to the rest of your post.


the only redeeming thing about the jailer is he sourced a hilarious nipple emote in my discord



Jailer could come back as Pinocchio :lying_face:

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K everyone was playing SL during a Pandemic imagine the general psychological state but now that we’re here looking back it did not get the credit it deserved. Jailer has tons of potential also didn’t he have some sort of impact on reality regardless of his defeat? much opening here there is.

I still kinda feel bad for zovaal. He could have been a cool villain.

When folks are memeing about nipples thru all of shadowlands, you really dun goofed with making a villain. Sure we joke about Razzy’s cute lil angy t rex arms but she was still leagues cooler. The memes about her widdle arms weren’t INSTANT like the Jailer’s nips


That man not be having nipples in his full form.

Anyone who thinks this way is objectively wrong and likely has zero idea about what good writing, or good storytelling actually is.

Probably belongs to the tiktok generation

Tiktok is for bozos and The Jailer can easily be built upon he provides a good template for future development.

I don’t want the Jailer back, but if any of our existing characters want to turn evil and loom in the background with their shirts off, I’d be all for it.

Maybe we can start with Nozdormu?

supposedly in the original script for Shadowlands the Jailer was a good guy who we aided to fend off some great evil from destroying the realms of death. Then they rewrote the story and yeah…blamed him for everything. We were supposed to see all kinds of other afterlife realms but got limited to four and the maw which is still just…so stupid… no seeing the land of the drust no they were just…an issue for the start of the expansion then never covered again… such a waste. So much potential only to be killed off in one expac that answered nothing in the lore… yeah no the Jailer can stay gone at this point and Tyrande needs to be killed off sometime soon.

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Im SURE those loose ends will be explored ive been particularly looking forward to Drust development and perhaps we’ll get sent off to other SL realms in the future.

@Fortuna I would like to see Anduin go full darkside hes clearly not the same person after being a temporary LK. Zovaal was an arbiter of the SL and then became so powerful to do what he did lets just take that in so its not hard to imagine that he has left some mark on Anduin. I think we’re all expecting Nozdormu to become Murozond.