The Jailer

I like this idea but in a different way I think it would be funny if the jailer was reactivated in a harmless little golem and couldnt do anything like the lich snail from adventure time and he exists as hidden scenery in every dungeon raid battleground and arena watching

I’m insulted

But it would be soooo funnyyyyyyy

Denathrius cough cough. Zovaal/“The Jailer” (even though he is in fact jailed and thus The Jailed) has no real build up or character development, that all went to Denathrius who (ironically) they were gonna kill off in Castle Nathria. Frankly with as much plot involvement as Denathrius has as the “minion” to The Jailer, it’d just be more organic narratively speaking to make HIM the actual mastermind behind the plot at this point. The Nathrezim under his command did kinda do all of the dirty work and heavy lifting.

You mean having one big bad responsible for all things from wc2 to SL… was a bad thing? :joy:

Blizz really enjoyed taking a massive dump on the player base with that one.

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So much potential to introduce new lore wasted. Souls from worlds “unimaginable”…but we met the standard fare of familiar faces. :frowning:

To me, that is the ultimate shame of SL. They didn’t take the opportunity and instead we stumbled across yet another unmapped island or two. We should have followed the soul threads back to their worlds.

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I still suspect the Jailor was just a puppet and we all got tricked into freeing the “real” Jailor after he got Jailed and had his identity swapped.

/tinfoil hat theory

also food for thought… how do we know all the memories were his? what if some dormant memory snuck in, like a Trojan horse and we just didnt see it because it didnt have a convent cut scene.

oh and N’zoth faked his death, snuck safely into the dagger which was then able to teleport across realities and is prob sitting, waiting, to show up in D4

and the results end up creating a cross over event for patch 11.0 :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:
/not crazy~

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I feel the Jailer still has time to redeem himself writing wise.

The good thing is he’s pretty much a blank slate. We don’t know anything really about him. We don’t know what he was personally like before he was banished. We don’t know what he saw that scared him. We don’t even know the innate details of all he discovered while trapped in the maw and sending weapons of undeath across the cosmos.

This means in the future we can discover the nuances in his character be it through archived journal style artifacts, some future new zone or dungeon, or just some characters who know more about him in innate detail. Sort of like the treatment Deathwing has been getting in DF. Yeah he had a lot of history before but the extra stuff we’ve gotten in DF has built upon his character in an interesting way. I think the same can be done for Zovaal.

When you’ve got a character that the writers are claiming to be the ultimate mastermind of literally 20 years worth of story, you best believe that that’s a tall order to execute correctly.

The Jailer fell far short of that mark.

Like we spent an entire expansion being menaced by him and I still have no idea what would have happened if he won. “Remade the universe”? What does that look like?

I can imagine what the would have happened if Arthas won, if Deathwing won, if the Old Gods, or Garrosh, the Legion or literally any non-Jailer villain who had Azeroth’s subjugation/destruction as their end-game.

But remaking the universe, what does that look like? The exact same except he’s the only one with nipples?

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I’m living for this :joy:

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He should have been the best villain we ever had. And he simply wasn’t. Easily the best villain in Shadowlands was Denathrius, who arguably is one of the best they ever had.


Garrosh had how much screen time in shadowlands and straight up overshadowed the entire expansions lore… In a budget cutscene.

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What’s his face, the guy they gave the green quest reward to, was behind it the whole time! He was only pretending to be a useless, uninteresting character.
