The jailer needs more human motivation

I want to relate to this character more but i can’t understand in good reason why he should be free and rule the shadowlands. Dude doesn’t try tempt us or even communicate. If anything him staying in the maw is probably for the best considering how he acts.


Check out the video I posted in this link OP;

It may be of some interest to you.

See my problem is this would be good however blizzard isnt showing it. At all and i mean he doesn’t communicate with us or even try to tempt us like the lich king did.

I understand this can be frustrating, but consider…

Giving the audience too much to know too quickly is not always the best move, sometimes you need to keep the audience guessing, I mean sometimes the less you know, the more scary things are, as the real way to keep your enemies at a disadvantage is to always keep them guessing.

This is also why horror these days often fall flat, as back in the old days victims were left in a perpetual state of terror as the audience was never given too much information.

Simply put our minds, are our own worst enemies.

“YoUr SOul is MIIIne” he cries out as i rp walk to the oribos stone

So scary

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he doesn’t have a heart so he can’t have humane motivation.

He’s a cosmic entity. Like Old Gods or the Naaru, he’s just advancing the cosmic war in favor of the force he belongs to.

Or does he?

jailer be like


Least with Shang Tsung his smugness adds to it.

Seriously you see him in the recent Mortal Kombat? His smug is off the charts and ITS GREAT

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Compared to Sylvanas, the Jailer has a communication problem.

When you been alive for millions of years stuck in the same place for who knows how long, you probably go crazy too.

Blizzard is terrible at writing characters, just like a lot of media.

The big bad guy who’s supposed to be ‘tempting’ is a giant monster emo ugly thing who’s obviously deceiving you. If you’re going to write a story around temptation make the villain an attractive, friendly, warm looking character who nevertheless pushes you to do the wrong thing in a subtle way. The Jailer should look like the arbiter and live in a place like Oribos that seems friendly on the surface and a reprieve from the maw.

Same problem in other franchises. The only ones who kind of got it right were Marvel with Thanos, who actually has tries to make a point and persuade people and doesn’t look like an emo boi (though even here they couldn’t resist making all of his ‘children’ and troops look like emo boys. That’s just so dumb people don’t get confused, but really the thing would be better if his armies and everyone around him were friendly and compelling and making you think he really is just trying to do the right thing).

Check out Accolonn on Youtube, and watch his theories. Not saying they are all true, but it adds a lot of flavor to the Characters that you may not have realized.

The jailer has a high neckline problem.

Well, that and the fact he’s nothing more than Generic Bad Guy #22.

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There have been so many layers upon layers of mystery boxes over the past few expansions that The Jailer could come up to me, lay out his entire plan and strategic objectives and I’d be sitting there thinking “yes, but what do you really want?”



My understanding is that he doesn’t want to rule the Shadowlands, he wants out of the Shadowlands to claim his scourge army on Azeroth and bring death to the entire planet. Perhaps this means something more literal too, like he wants to kill baby titan Azeroth and send her soul to the maw? Do titans have souls?

Who knows. it’s all very messy outside of the Maldraxxus story imo.

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At the very least, we’re all caught up on this villain than someone like Devos.

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The Jailer’s primary motivation is to break the Shadowlands and let souls choose and make their final destination for themselves, rather than being forced into some covenant to serve a purpose.

Basically, the Jailer wants to make the afterlife better for all, but the only way he can manage to win is by using Domination Magic, which is a newly introduced portion of our Magic cosmology.

Why there is a conflict is because this is against what the First Ones (creators of our reality and the Shadowlands) wanted.