The jailer needs more human motivation

It’s true we have no background frame of reference on the Jailer. I think that is a major problem with the writing in shadowlands. Remember we were hearing about the lich king and his campaign for years before Wrath came out and we had to kill him. I heard about the lich king the first day I played an undead in Tirisfal Glade in vanilla. We were hearing about the old gods and the legion right from the beginning too.

I hope the writers have realized this and are thinking ahead to the next expac villain and will get some background going in SL.

Yeah, it’s goofy. They wrote some actual interesting villains like Devos and Sire Denatharius, and then we have the Jailer who is just like… a monolith of evil.

“Bad for the sake of bad” can exist in a setting but the problem is that Blizzard seems to want it both ways with the Jailer. You can’t set him up to have this mystery surrounding him and then write him the way they have.


More exposition about the jailer by NPCs and in the quests could help the situation.

Well to be fair it seems that his origin is going to be revealed more and more as the expansion continues and we learn more about the First Ones and the Shadowlands’ origins, as his story is basically intertwined with the creation of the modern Shadowlands.