The Jailer is not evil

So, like we are, since “Death comes for the soul of your world!”.

Just like the Jailer. See: Baine, Jaina, Thrall, any of the myriad souls we’ve come across in Torghast. The Jailer has no valid claim against us, apart from that we rejected the murderous meddling of his agent, which holds no water.

Has the Jailer been determined to be split? All I see is speculation. You’re basing your conclusions on speculation. Additionally, I see very little moralizing of the Arbiter to be “good”. The Arbiter was meant to be a neutral system, preventing souls from being lost among the infinite realms in the Shadowlands. To my recollection, we were told that Zovaal was locked away in the Maw after his betrayal. Seems consistent with the times he’s tried to kill/enslave us.

Death, by proxy of the Jailer, has declared war on the denizens of Azeroth. We’ve been warned that reality will cease if the Jailer prevails, and we see enough of his meddling in every zone. You can make arguments for the unfairness of the system, but when the Jailer seeks to completely demolish the system and everything else, and will achieve this by the horrific torture of countless souls, then I’d argue he must die, along with those complicit in his crimes. I’d even add an as painfully as possible, since I’m not evil (or not as evil), since I am acting in self-preservation. Per what Denathrius told us, Death will be the only power after the Jailer is done, so your belief that balance can be gained is also built on faulty information. I get it, you love Sylvanas, but dreaming up ideas won’t make her right.

The guy has a literal hole in his chest where his heart would be. Think about it.

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So, he’s a big fan of Extreme?


the analogy you formed sounds like something out of the old testament

OP is on some kind of government watch list now with this “mass murder maybe isn’t bad just think about it”. Guaranteed.

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The same governments in this world are guilty of countless wars and murder around the globe, more often then not due to nationalism they will act all sympathetic if crime happens in your own neighborhood, meanwhile bombing nations outside of your bubble without mercy, let’s be honest.

A nation will put self-interest first, I mean if you consider in wow, you have the Alliance and Horde that are kind of nations, with both factions concerned about pushing their own interests first, they justify the destruction of other nations to protect their own group.

Usually the only difference between a government and some random murderer is that one has money, the other does not.

Oh really? It wasn’t even meant to be religious.

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One of the hallmarks of the Old Testament is the vengeful, petty God.

I am very glad this topic is still going, I do hope people read the OP several times carefully, as I think the points I made are still very worthy of people’s consideration.

As for the Old Testament stuff, I wasn’t even thinking of some divine God that was petty, when I was writing that stuff I was thinking of petty human vengeance mainly

I think anyone who thinks this might want to seek some counselling. lol.
Your first false assumption is in this fallacy that everyone on this planet would even react in anger and rage…and your second is in assuming that everyone on this planet has been put in the situation to have even had to have reacted with anger and rage.

Your little story above is fine…but your assuming that everyone, everywhere has thought about torture is…well…a bit disturbing.
I dont want even Hitler to be tortured. I would want him and all like him to be annihilated and that just so they couldnt harm people ever again. Seeing them tortured does me no personal good whatsoever.

A lot of it for this GAMES purposes was fine. Where you crossed a line with me is in my previous post.

You see the obliteration of a soul, as a lesser evil then torture?

Some would see erasure as the greater evil

So you think just…POOF…removing someone from existence is the same as mangling, cutting and ripping them apart for a while first? lol
No…its not the same and Im not dumb enough to think for a second that YOU even think its the same.

Some twisted individuals who get a kick of torturing things, Im sure.
And thats where therapy comes in. If I WANTED to torture stuff…to WASTE my time with it…to get some revenge or gratification from it…yeah…Id go get some help.

i want bad/evil REMOVED. I dont NEED to see it abused first for my own amusement.

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Has there ever been in a time when someone looked at you weird?

Judged you for your physical appearance?

Have you had someone steal your girlfriend? Or worse, had your girlfriend/wife cheat on you?

Surely at some point in your life, when someone has wronged you, you’ve really wanted them in that brief moment of anger, get the justice they deserve.

Of course you wouldn’t act on it because you don’t want to go to jail but I think people that don’t admit the evil in their nature are lying.

How can you tell if something is evil or not when there’s less than five minutes of him…

Just another stupid villain from stupid writing.

Or as Lore and Pebrock would have you believe ‘ThE BeST VillAin EvAAAAR!’

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Wise words panda shaman.

Yes, because to me there’s almost nothing worse then the Final Death, for the Forsaken especially this is the worst possible punishment, as to me there is nothing more important than to continue to exist, torture and pain are terrible, though no question about that.

Though the point I am making is that we all deserve to be tortured a painful excruciating death anyway for our many crimes in life, not one of us is pure innocent, we have all hurt others at some point in our lives.

Accept it.