The Jailer didn't create Frostmourne

I dont understand how the community got this all mixed up.

The Runecarver (Who could possibly be the Primus) Created Frostmourne(His Finest mournblade) and The Helm Of Domination.

The Jailer kidnapped the Runecarver; sucked his memories to steal the schematics to create anew Frostmourne and Helm of Domination.

We know he used said Schematics to turn Anduins blade; Shalamayne into a Mournblade—USING THE SCHEMATICS FOR FROSTMOURNE HE STOLE FROM THE RUNECARVER

We have yet to see what he has done with the schematics for the Helm of Domination

TL;DR: The Runecarver created Frostmourne and Helm of Domination a long time ago.


No. it was kil’jaedan who created both frostmourne and the helm of domination to “enslave” ner’zhul.

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Umm The Dreadlords stole these items from the Shadowlands… Kiljaden didnt create them


That piece of lore has been retconned in Shadowlands.


Who is saying he did? I’ve hardly seen any posts like you’re claiming.

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The Jailer obtained the plans from his mind and presumably used them to make Shalamourne. In the cutscene as he gets those plans from the Runecarver he shows what they were used to make, Frostmourne. He doesn’t say the Runecarver made the blade and helm, only that he created the plans to make them.

He is showing an image of Frostmourne, not the sword itself. His escape takes place AFTER the fall of Arthas because in the very first cinematics of him, he is still chained up. So the sword was made by someone else.

See even the title of this video is misleading… look at Frostmourne yourself… hes clearly not holding the literaly blade but an astral form of it. A Schematic

just search the forums. tons of people keep saying “The Jailer created frostmourne” Even the video above is claiming he obtained the item when he never had the physical item.

Doesn’t the jailer have enough anima for a spirit bomb? Why does he need a Z sword? Is Majin Murloc a threat to the cosmos?


He probably wants to use Anduin to lead his armies into reality… his “Knight” needs the appropriate gear for said task.

Maybe the reason Arthas was chosen wasnt because of his position but maybe being strong with the light makes you a good conduit for these items… similar to how Ashbringer was easily flipped over.


So instead he goes all Tron 2? Breaking the 4th Wall? Interesting

That wasn’t a retcon though. Soooo, theres that. Head canon isn’t canon.

They retcon so much stuff to make their stories make sense im surprised anybody knows wtf is going on anymore

Only hitch I see is, if the jailer did not indeed create frostmourne, why did frostmourne have runes of the maw?

It’s pretty much the whole reason Devos went crazy at all is that Frostmourne and the Lich King are made/tainted/agents of the maw.

I can’t wait until the sword breaks and Deckard Caine pops out.

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I’ve seen a few posts whine about how they retconned Frostmourne into the Jailer creating it.

The Shadowlands exist outside of “reality” same as The Twisting Nether and The Emerald Dream.

The Maw was created by the Etenral ones; the reason it is inescapable is because of The Winter Queen… if The Runecarver was/is the Primus then he’s possibly who created The Jailer chains and other items such as.

What Devos said was the runes on his blade were ‘unmistakeable’, and that Arthas was running around “with the power of the Maw in hand”.

I always found that sort of odd. How did she, as a Paragon, know what sort of thing was going on in the Maw? She could never have been there, never have seen anything from the Maw because as far as they knew then, once in the Maw nothing could get back out. So nobody in the Maw could pop back out say “ook there were these runes, look at this, I drew a few”.

So where would she have even seen the runes on Frostmourne before?

It makes me wonder if, from that brief touch she had of Uther’s damaged soul, that had been touched by Frostmourne, she was tainted even then.

This would add up to why she became his agent.

That lore was also never in the game, just in manuals and such. It was never stated where Kil’jaeden got them.

I still think the jailer secretly answers to Ner’zhul and it just hasn’t been revealed yet.