Just want to remind everyone that the cinematics themselves, that is the artwork, voice acting, etc. were great. The people who created the cinematics did an amazing job.
The people who wrote the story for the cinematic, on the other hand…
But let’s not take away from the fact the cinematics look good and it’s obvious people put in time/energy making the best with what they had to work with.
It’s just a shame they were tasked with making a Ferrari out of a fresh cow pile. But in the end, the artwork and all of that was great.
Many people aren’t mad about how the cinematic looks, we’re just mad about the story behind it.
hey @Humanbreak, I made something like 277k gold today using your advice to focus on milking mats/crafting during these very early hours of the RWF, just wanted to say thanks for the tips. Taking them baby steps 
Anyways, I’m off to bed
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The weird thing with the art team is it could LOOK great. But I didn’t care much for the pacing or how some of it was cut together. Like that bit where we see the jailer start to fade and then BOOM. Robot.
A model could still look great but if the shots look weird then it looks weird. But the model makers and animators aren’t always in charge of how scenes are planned out. Usually you get stuff like folks making the animatics, then the animators try to go with that. So sometimes you get one weird choice in SOME part of the art team and it can make the whole thing look strange.
Great point. To that, I go back to my “they were given a pile of crap and told to make the Taj Mahal out of it” point. You can only do so much with what you’re given :\
My only honest issue is the story that was told here. And it’s just any time it directly involves Zovaal.
Otherwise game’s all right, at least as a solo player.
I think the flash back etc would of been great story wise if done earlier in the expansion but ultimately no matter how that’d go, them wanting to make zovaal a master puppeteer without the build up like say; thanos in avengers, feels meaningless to begin with. Not even the rule of cool saves it.
The art though was really nice and them improving on their non CGI cinematics. It shows.
“Here’s this big bad guy we need to be afraid of. Why should you be afraid? Why do you care? Just shut up and play the game!” is how the direction of the story went unfortunately. Zovaal could’ve been a fantastic villain if any real effort were put into the story.
It’s a real shame that they made this a sequel to so many great stories that Warcraft already told to an enjoyable conclusion.
It’d have been one thing if Zovaal’s story sucked and he sucked and this chapter was closed, but the writing team had to take everything else down with it.
I really wonder if there was a push from the higher ups to include all of these characters. Arthas, Sylvanas, etc… Every character that had a built-in audience. And this is what we got.
The cutscenes are always great looking, but holy crap do the writers really need to expand dialogue beyond awful one-lingers and vague references to other things.
The questing dialogue between Taelia and Bolvar is better than anything in all of the Shadowland’s cinematics.
It’s always “mortal this”, “fear me that”, “You’ll never win yadda yadda yadda”. That or awfully cringe Sylvanas dialogue.
I despise the “ALL ACCORDING TO PLAN” “WE HAVE ALREADY WON” dialogue from enemies lately
Its like christ why bother at this point game
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Pretty much. Every demon/Mawsworn boss in Sepulcher says a variation of that exact line. “Your efforts are futile. You cannot stop what is coming”.
And then at the end, “I did what I had to to… to prevent what is coming.”
Like jeez, if you uttered less generic one-liners and actually explained yourself and what unidentifiable threat is lurking out there, maybe the heroes of Azeroth wouldn’t have murderhobo’d you.