The inevitable decision

Never mind. Found it.

Wow. I mean, you do you but wow lol

Okay first the joke, You’re a Worgen offering to bite.

second the reply.

Implies we will be seeing you here until your sub runs out in 5 months

Nah just showed the last time i played which was around 3 months ago. followed by how much time i have left to lurk in the forums and make posts. I have zero interest in this game anymore, Steam has many more games that are far better.

Which is why you will

Yeah that checks out. Enjoy your break.

I mean if you are stupid enough to keep thinking that it is a you issue.

Yup Troll or just plain stupid, have a great day. Clearly you feel the need to try and annoy someone.

Ahh yes, I’m stupid because I can see you are clearly lying to yourself about being done with this game. And you know it deep down too, thats why you’re lashing out with name calling. But keep coming back here believing you quit lol

Apparently you still like carrots.

Yup, you said it. I said it, Now like this game, i am done with you as well. Have fun in the filth that this game will become. Unlike you i have my reason to quit, unlike you i am not addicted to this trash.

Welcome to the club.

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There is a gamma slider near the bottom of the wow graphic settings.

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Having read this thread a few times, I’m still not sure what it’s about.

I forgot what it was about. >.> Now i am just replying to replies.

Yeah, but it’s not changing the way I want it to look. Including distance. It’s as if all games were built in a dark room and demand I play them in one.

Except Bastion. I’m thinking like client side showing the game as night or day regardless of needing a potion. Regardless of when I play.

As far as I know, nothing is sun light/night time dependent so just give us control of the clock

Addons do a lot to help with like AoE pools. I don’t see this as an unfair advantage. But customization of select areas

:ocean: :milky_way: :ocean: :milky_way:

I think there is a difference between homogenizing and making certain core functions baseline.

I think every class should have some kind of access to certain mechanical functions, and currently they don’t, which is not only a feel-bad from a general perspective, but also leads to the insane “meta” enjoyers to never bring those classes in. The answer to this isn’t “Just go make a new class” unfortunately.

I do agree that each class should have unique aspects to them, which for the most part they do.

Regarding the storyline, I think that is just an issue of having multiple lead writers. They get different visions for how certain events play out and that leads to some of the weird writing decisions they make.

To that end, if you feel the need to quit or take a break, do it. It’s healthy to get away from things that become a source of annoyance or present issues.

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If it were to show it as a generic outfit I probably wouldn’t mind, but Id rather people not be able to flip a toggle and see what my character’s actual gear looks like (shudders).

Yes please, I’ve made a post about this before but apparently it’s offensive to NOT LOOK AT SOMEONES MOG.

Its as dumb as it sounds.

Client side toggle would change nothing for anyone else. Your game would be unaffected and people wouldn’t have to see others crap mogs.

I took a break once during wod and missed out on the movie cosmetics.
I learned my lesson. Never again.

Which is why youre still here after “quitting” 3 months ago and you’ll still be here for the next 5. You’re like an alcoholic that “quits” drinking just to keep hanging out at the bar. You’ll relapse and be back, its just a matter of time.

You seem to be missing the part where they added a feature/ are adding it in TWW that i disagree with. I have no interest in seeing people run around with nothing on, if you can’t get that past your thick skull, then you are clearly either A. Stupid or B. a troll.