The inevitable decision

I constantly get this sinking feeling that my reasons for finally quitting WoW will be because I am tired of “me too” people.

People that complain they don’t have what another class has thus homogenizing the overall experience, tired of the developers catering to the higher end players that run specific comps because that’s what is most optimal (not what is fun), tired of the neutering of story and character moments due to a potential fear of someone getting upset.

I enjoy the game, but I think eventually the energy won’t be worth it. I don’t know, just had to get it off my chest.


this has been debunked over and over as false


I am not sure how this happens

or this


And I’m tired of these nonsensical accusations, as if Twitter or something has a say in their game development. But here we are.


Me, too.





:rofl: You really just could not resist. Good thing you added the comma, or they would hate you too.


Resisting is not one of my strong points.

I hear it is futile.



Nobody ever quits WoW, they only take a break for a while. After a few weeks they find themselves staring at their PC thinking:

“Oh! New trading post is up, I wonder what’s there?”
“A push week! Maybe mom will loan me $15”
“I sure miss the forums, I bet they have account wide ignore by now”


I was right there, too.


It boils down to how many times can they sell you the carrot in a stick before you get tired of it?

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quit in April and haven’t logged on since, Sub ends in December and after that I won’t be on the forums anymore. So yes, people do quit this “game” TWW has ONE change that made up my mind, and I even pre purchased the version with the pet and mount, do I care? Nope no regrets at all.

I want to shoot frost bolts blizz

Make it happen

The devs don’t cater to higher end players and this has been debunked numerous times over.

I’ve been playing this game for 20 years now. Since I was around 10 years old.

I have a feeling, that I’ll stop sometime during the next expansion, at least if content dries up for me, and that happens fairly often, I just get bored and move on.

I normally take a lot of breaks to play other games. I took a break during DF for a bit around Season 2.

WoW is just not as exciting to me as it used to be, and that’s normal. Rarely has a game lasted this long.

I’m still thankful for the entertainment it provides.

Just not a fan in where it’s heading, like early access stuff and more focus on the shop stuff/trading post, so I’ll vote with my wallet.

I’ll check out TWW, but I’m still hesitant lol. There’s a few things I’m excited for, like the new battleground.

I don’t care what the WoW devs are doing on social media, that has no impact on me as a player.

Well farewell I enjoyed the interactions we had on the forum. What is the change that made up your mind?

Bye-bye. Watch out for giants not looking where they are going.

“Hide Pants”

If they would have made it client side for transmog and not server side it would be different, Personally I think transmogs should be client side, and on the server side of things everyone just has a generic outfit ( or you can toggle on transmogs )


I agree with this idea of a client-side view of the world. I would go a step further and allow players to change all friendly players to gnomes. You would be a gnome demon-hunter, for example (to me! Except you are whatever you want to you. Maybe I would be a night elf priest on your screen)


It would solve a lot of issues for people that just can’t stand some transmogs. The “Player Looks like X Race” Could make the game more immersive for others.

By can’t stand i mean ( bright multi colored outfits that affect them ) something they can’t help.