The inactive name policy needs to be updated

Someone could have stopped playing WoW mid-WoD, but since they play Overwatch a couple times a year, the names remain unavailable.

Inactive names should be license-specific.


It is kinda stupid that it’s level. People playing Overwatch or…does blizz make any other games? IDK. They must not be very popular. Anyway, people playing Overwatch really shouldn’t have anything to do with wow if they played wow one time 10 years go and never touched it again. Seem like a stupid policy to me.


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If a character lvl 20 or under has the name you want, you should be able to have a way to ask him if he can unlock it for you. For any character above, it should automatically free it if someone wants it if the character was not logged once during the last expansion.

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I don’t know about that, but at the very least it should be license-specific.

Haven’t used your WoW account in two expansions? The names are up for grabs, even if you play OW a couple times a year.

Names have no reason to be unique, the only unique thing should be our ID.

Names absolutely have a reason to be unique. We don’t need 30 Alexes running around RP servers, not knowing who is who.

Names in MMORPGs are unique to the character. This isn’t a FPS.

That wouldn’t work either. technically this could put someone in a loop of having to change their name every few years if they are infrequently playing. How is that any better?

To me, this is a post whining about something they can’t have and do want; to hell with the other player, I gotta get my name!!!

You’ll never get my double letter initial names…never!!!

Their point is that if someone doesn’t play WoW anymore, but in four years plays a free game of Hearthstone, they get to keep all of their character names.

Old policy was if you hadn’t logged into WoW in two expansions, your names could be taken. Now, no one’s names will ever be released, because you never have to touch WoW again to keep your names.

Player A:

  • Doesn’t play WoW for over two expansions.
  • Doesn’t play any other games on their battlenet account.

Player B:

  • Doesn’t play WoW for over two expansions.
  • Plays OW/Diablo/SC every once in a while.

Why do WoW names for Player A become available, but not Player B? If both players aren’t playing WoW for more than two expansions, why does playing OW/Diablo/SC impact WoW?

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