The Illusion that "Legion was a good Expansion"

Being an okay expansion sandwiched between two dumpster fires will have that effect on people.

During my time with legion, it was a decent expansion until I attempted to take it even remotely seriously. I ended up with aggramar’s and pre-buffed prydaz on my frost dk and found out it’d literally be easier to reroll off of my main since wrath rather than attempt to get a 3rd legendary. Also, the months of timegating in Suramar and then the Breaching the Tomb debacle killed any desire I had to play WoW until early this year.

I never got to see the “good” part of legion because the first half was so bad it drove me away.


I never liked Legion. Truth be told, I think Blizzard fell off a cliff with WoW post-MoP and every expac since then has been an exercise in giving players less.

Legion at least had the cool weapons and class halls that were fun at first.


Shades of grey and all of that. These forums take a binary love/hate good/bad approach far more often than is called for.

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It was a high-power fantasy expansion like none other and I loved that. The scope and scale of the threats we faced down were like no other before them. The transmog sets available throughout Legion are some of the best in the game. The sheer amount of content available at any given time was staggering. The Mage Tower was awesome. The raids were awesome. M+ was awesome (moreso than BFA imo). Class campaigns were awesome. Scythe of the Unmaker and Taeshelach are awesome. Legendaries (post-vendor) were pretty fun.

I liked it a lot. I know many people don’t enjoy playing demigods but I sure do.


It is super hard to respect any opinion you might post when you resort to belittling and insulting those you disagree with. I understand such a reaction when someone is terribly rude, but all I see is someone who challenged your opinion. You are the one who blew up.

Perhaps you should go further back than first grade and apply some of what most of us learned in kindergarten: Be nice.


Because they were still having fun.

While the over-reliance on gear to solve problems was an issue by itself, they did solve the issues. When the gear solving those issues was taken away in BfA, THAT is when things went off the rails.

Also, the class campaigns with all the unique quests were actually a fun addition.
As was the Mage Tower.
Suramar was one of the best story-driven zones EVER introduced to WoW.
Several of the tier sets were among WoW’s best.
And a few other nice things.

Legion had issues, but people were still having fun in it.

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Some of those “faults” you listed, people like, its all a matter of opinion.

I think it comes down to so many people hating wod and bfa. When things are bad something that’s just okay feels a lot better.


Legion seemed good after WoD, and it did push some content that was more RPG oriented but class design was terrible. Overall I took a long break but played at the end. I enjoyed it, not at first but especially after it started raining AP.

I think it’s like this:



Don’t care

I liked the Artefact weapons.

I liked them. WoD overused them.

Grinding has been part of the game since day 1.

I liked.

I liked legendaries. Didn’t like randomisation and how they were obtained.

Rep time gating been around forever.
I liked WQ -> dailies with an additional reward at the end.


  • most of the dungeons
  • the raids
  • story
  • legendaries themselves
  • artefact weapons
  • the world except Argus

Your opinions are not fact and I guarantee you everything you don’t like someone else will.

They were bonuses. Specs could and did perform without them. It impacted people playing at the top of the game. Other content was absolutely just fine.

Actually, no. Azerite is a steaming pile of feces. It took the AP system, combined it with horrid traits, and rolled it out as a grind.

You had natural progression in that you would get rewards for doing more content, and as you went along you filled out more of your Legendary book, giving you more options as you went.

Not particularly. It’s more crap stacked into Azerite to appease people. It encourages participation in content some people can’t, don’t or won’t do for things that cannot replace what we lost going into BfA.

I didn’t do irrelevant content on any of my 9 alts in Legion, and across the board their Legendary reception rates were pretty close. More effort, more reward.

Interesting that the OP is posting this on a character that does not appear to have ever played the game.

I played a blood dk near the end of legion when I started the expansion and I thought the game felt really good to play and the stories were engaging. None of the changes they made to the game bothered me I actually have grown to like most of the changes they have made. Plus now we have Classic so people can get their fix on the old style by playing that, no reason to make retail the same.

Yep. And I guess this only works to its advantage in the long run.

I didn’t understand it either. The Classes were bad, AP Weapons were bad, story was bad.

At least Warlords had decent game play even if the story was bad.


It’s interesting how people have strong rose-tinted glasses for Legion and Mists of Pandaria, while these same people will not only deny that this is nostalgia, but also harshly criticize anyone who is nostalgic of Wrath/BC/Vanilla. Especially Vanilla.

Legion had its host of issues and even MoP did. The dungeons were almost irrelevant, classes were super homogenized, scenarios were a failure etc.

The difference is that Legion happened 2 years ago, not 14. Memories fade and blend with nigh untraceable trivialities which become what they remember. Short of playing PS the whole time, those things are included in the rose tint.

Yes, I suppose if you’re speaking in terms of aesthetics, it did go downhill from where it began.

It’s funny, you often saw complaints about the brown and green of Argus and The Shore, but why don’t we see similar complaints about Borealus? It is also brown and sickly green…

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I don’t think anyone complains about boralus because they’ve seen the layout of Dazar’alor


Legion was great…when compared to BFA.