The Illusion that "Legion was a good Expansion"

Yes. In fact, that’s exactly why people say Legion was good. Like WoD and BfA, leveling to max level was fun. Also, like WoD and BfA, max level gameplay sucks. Way too much of the guided tour BS. Pathfinder is the ultimate to-do list and when you’re done with it, there’s nothing left to discover.

Overall, this crop of devs are way too controlling and way too concerned with whether or not the customers are having the experience that Blizzard wants them to have. Shouldn’t be a surprise that they lost so many subs over the last 5 years.


I do agree at max level there isn’t much. I mean, world-emmisary quests and all that jazz each day. But unless you’re a dedicated mythic+raider, I feel there isn’t a ton to do once you grind path finder as you said, and reputations to unlock allied races.

8.2 will bring some new content for awhile which will be appreciated. But really…after it’s done, maybe a month or two later for many of us, it’ll be back to square one.

I sometimes feel professions that actually made sense and worked properly would be a good end game focus for many players. Especially when they used to have it where you needed to grind through all previous content to get new expansion profs. That’s a ton of exploring, nodes and work that a max level character can put in, and actually make money.

I remember when I was playing BC/WotLK, and copper stacks in starting areas sold for 300-400 gold easily. And blacksmiths would sell crafted gear back, and people would buy it for their new Alts. Then heirlooms were introduced and killed that completely.

Blizzard isn’t going to give up on the eternal AP grinds.

Pretty soon they won’t have a choice. If they keep headed in the direction they are, them, their minions, bots, gold farmers, and their friends will be the only ones playing.

Legion was admittedly far from perfect, but it came after a universally panned expansion (WoD) and before one that’s only exacerbated all the bad parts (BfA).

World Quests were made less streamlined with the removal of add-ons we used to group up and finish them efficiently. They doubled down on the “mechanic of the month” with the HoA despite a ton of criticism about having two years to power up and then losing a lot of the QoL abilities the weapons have us. The story is more fractured and full of imbalances (look how many extra plot threads horde get, while alliance just sort of twiddle our thumbs), and obvious plot holes, with some really out of character decisions by some characters. Especially when you have to twist things up to explain why shaman and deuids are supporting the war after burning the world tree. Couple that with the fact that the world tree was pre-patch only it makes for a very confusing transition. Much of the “expansion features” that’ll cease to exist in a year are… Warfronts you can AFK though and are repetitive, Islands are unengaging AoEfests. They tripled down on mission tables. All the nice things we like to buy are now extremely deep gold sinks while gold is harder to get, meaning if you didn’t already have it, too bad.

Plus, we can extrapolate the next expansion with some details… Like how there’s hundreds of Legion quests that give grey vendor trash as a reward now because weapons are useless… We can expect that to happen with Azerite too.

So… Legion had a lot of flaws, but it’s sandwiched by two much worse expansions, so its problems are less obvious.


I’m pretty convinced at this point that WoW’s developers would rather have a game fitting their “vision” that nobody played, rather than a game that millions of people played but doesn’t comport with the devs’ “vision”.


IMHO, it seems kinda like the QA issue. If there are never problems to fix, your position is worthless. If they never have to redesign and “fix” what ultimately isn’t broken, they are nothing more than a maintenance staff that releases new expacs/patches. The wheel must be reinvented every 2 years in order to justify their existence in the company or something.

Probably because it was after WoD, the worst of them all and some of the classes were genuinely fun to play. They did good work with most of the animation changes(Incinerate sucks.), story and content.

That being said as genuinely well done as some of the Legion classes were, very few of them hold a candle to their MoP iterations. Legion did one thing really well, and it was "Make the player feel like a god."

But, like now - professions were a joke. M+, raid quality, patch pacing and the general narrative carried the expansion pretty hard.

I realize you and the OP are cut from the same cloth of idiocy. Pay attention to what I wrote, attempt reading comprehension, and stop twisting words and trying to apply phrasing that I didn’t write or imply.

When you are capable of 1st grade reading comprehension feel free to return to the thread, read what was written and apply just a smidgen of basic intelligence before you reply next time.

Legion was good. I remarked on how good it was at the very beginning after i reached max level and had so many things to do, and that suramar was the best bit of outdoor content that i’ve ever had the pleasure of doing.

Legendary hunting added an element of excitement to doing content.

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I subbed for most of legion with few complaints. Certainly less than yours. So while your experience may have been different it doesnt represent everyones feeling towards the game.

Also Demon Hunter was new.

At the end of legion I disliked it. I hated argus. I didn’t like AW at the time. Now, I like AW better than azerite. I miss my AW and class hall. But times change. I just think overall the systems in legion worked better.

Legion did not start out good, but it became good.

I think people forget how rough Legion’s start was. World quests were as bad then as they are now, but eventually we got both flying and the world quest group finder to make them more enjoyable. I mean, I remember tons of WQs I wouldn’t even touch before WQGF and Flying came around.

Ap built very slowly, but that was eventually fixed by a surplus of AK.

Legendaries were distributed unevenly and at too low a rate at first. I remember the day they fixed part of that because I saw one Tuesday on the forums a post “If you didn’t get a legendary before today, you’ll get one today from your emmisary” and lo and behold I logged in and got one.

Though not my own feelings, many people disliked Suramar’s design. Another issue fixed by the introduction of flight.

But there also was a lot of things to just really enjoy about Legion.

The class halls were great, and the class stories were so much fun. I actually leveled up nine alts mostly to see all the different stories and artifact weapons. I’ve never had more than three characters at cap before, but Legion made me want to do it.

Artifact weapons were great. They reminded me as to why I loved the original talent trees. I don’t care if a +1%dmg boost to a single skill is a meaningless advancement in the long run, it makes me FEEL stronger. and when it comes down to it, what I feel is all that really matters.

The combination of artifact skills and legendaries made me feel strong. It made me feel good. I enjoyed playing my cat druid, something I can very rarely say, because I finally felt like I had at my disposal the things I needed to make the class fun.

Leveling and gearing up alts was easy. The legion invasions and the gear vendors made raising up a new character a quick and enjoyable experience (again, nine alts leveled here). And, again, each unique class’s things prevented the experience from being monotonous.

There was a lot of flavor everywhere. I loved how NPCs would react to your weapons or your title. I loved the hidden skins and all the hidden secrets and interactions with your artifact. I never did find the ghosts of Arthas though…

Legion made me want to do things I hadn’t done in forever. I hadn’t raided since the beginning of MoP, Legion made me want to raid again. I’d never really PvPed, but I PvPed in Legion. When I first heard about the Mage Tower I was upset at the whole idea of it, thinking those skins would be forever denied to me, but I’ll have you know my main and all nine of those alts have every skin for their class (I never leveled a warrior and thus dont have those 3, the only I’m missing. I still don’t like the time-limited aspect of the tower and think people should still be able to earn them).

So, yeah, for my money Legion was a “good” expansion.


Maybe, perhaps it was. . . FUN? No, that can’t EVER be possible to a Blizzard hater such as yourself.

In my opinion, this is the problems from which all other problems stem. The devs and their control freak design philosophy are killing this game.

And Pathfinder is probably a major source of why the playerbase has become “cyclical”, because now you can’t take one path on your main, and other paths on your alts as you level, discovering something new each time. You have to beat the game for pathfinder, so every alt just gets a retread of what you’ve already done.


See, this is one opinion. I held the opposite.

I think it started off strong with Suramar and the Nighthold, and then started to trail off after 7.1. The broken shore was weak and boring. Argus was a little better, but the color scheme of brown and green and black was wearing away at me…

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Legion was a solid xpac. Rough go but nighthold and tomb of sargeras were great raids.

Antorus brought the content drought but with the introduction of mythic + it kept the game moving.

Mage tower challenges were awesome and Suramar was a very well done zone / quest line. Hated it initially cause it didnt seem to end but it was quality.

Even though the game was linear it did not feel like it.

BFA is just a single track rail line that just keeps going and it feels like that.

Oh last of tier sets. Tier sets combined with proper legendaries at no time in the history of this game did classes play like that or that strong.

Legion was a great expansion.

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Something that actually happened isn’t an opinion. You may not consider them faults however, and some of them I don’t consider faults either. But stating that the op’s list is an opinion just isn’t true.

So you are saying I dislike legion now?

How did I twist your words? You said the op was an opinion. You also said that they can’t be considered faults by everyone. They can’t.

I did. However, it seems like you can’t make a counter post without insulting someone several times. No need to be this toxic over a game. Have a Snickers.

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Overall, I found Legion to be fun. I liked the different areas, Loved the design of the main city. Loved the stories, especially Suramar. I found myself gaining the reputation without having to farm reputation. It just came as a natural consequence of completing the content. I liked the class halls. Some of the things you didn’t like I see more as core game changes and not specific to the content of the expansion. Some of the things I didn’t like were having weapons tied to specializations (for example, I want my Beastmaster Hunter to use a bow not a gun, and Marksmanship to use a gun).

In BfA I’m having trouble motivating myself to go complete the content on the other factions islands. I must force myself to do it soon though so I can make progress. Currently I’m not getting armor upgrades from anything. It is always lower level things.

One thing I wish they would do in BfA is let the reputation mission board things be account bound. I would love to pass reputation along to my alts.

The other thing I currently don’t like in BfA is that you have mounts, pets, toys, etc. on timed activities. If I could go on Warfronts and work with groups to get mounts and such, I would do that but now, you go in and work rapidly to kill the end boss and then the instance goes away. You can’t go back and kill the pop ups to get a small chance at the drop. That removes my desire to go into Warfronts as the armor is always now at a lower level than what I have equipped.

I’m more likely to go into the patrol version where at least I occasionally get a toy, pet, or mount.

It is not a belief it is an opinion. Therefore your basic understanding is off. Also, given its faults Legion was a decent expansion.