The Illusion that "Legion was a good Expansion"

Also just to chime in with my 2 cents, my top 5 problems with Legion were:

1.) RNG Legendaries.
2.) Titanforging.
3.) Leveling was awful.
4.) Further class pruning made a lot of the classes and specs feel more dull than they were in WoD.
5.) Stat templates in PvP. Completely removed any rpg elements from PvP immediately.

It’s funny how only 2 out of 5 of these problems were expansion-specific systems. The rest were just conscious decisions made by the developers to progress their weird vision of the game. 2, 3, and 4 still plague the game today.


Legion was lucky enough to be sandwiched between two abominations, that’s all.


It came directly after WoD, which had alot of shortcomings. Parts were pretty good, but overall it was a pretty poor expansion.

Legion was deemed good by the virtue of contrast.


Coming off the back of WoD was probably a pretty huge benefit to it. After ridiculous content droughts through WoD and raid tiers that just lasted too long, Legion provided a really good influx of new content and had overall nice pacing.

I think the artifact system (eventually) was able to provide a decent power progression that continued to affect how strong your character was, which included a range of nice gameplay interactions as well as new abilities.
It fleshed out the rotations a bit more which felt nice after a period where classes felt bare (including start of Legion after classes were majorly pruned).

I can’t realistically think of any other major reasons why it was so well thought of though, perhaps they liked the bosses? Sargeras, KJ, even Guldan were all huge lore characters so the pull to fight those can always be seen as gratifying, much like the whole WotLK Arthas bit.

It’s more accurate to say that the 2nd half of Legion was a good expansion. They actually learned from their mistakes and fixed many problems.

Sadly, that isn’t the case with 8.2


You gotta remember, Paladins were broken monsters in WoD.

this man get’s it, although I wouldn’t call WoD classes “mostly good” but some of them were definitely not completely ruined like in Legion, where they took pruning and this spec > class fantasy nonsense to another level.

and a game is pretty much donezo if the classes are that garbage, they can throw as much content at me as they want, I don’t care about it and Legion had really good content (aside from PvP) its quite the shame they had to screw classes over that much.

After WoD even Cata would’ve been percieved as a great xpack

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Lul stat templates and no ability to control the breakdown of secondary stats was a terrible idea.
Honestly don’t know why they didn’t at least just use scaling like challenge mode where you could still determine your secondary breakdown so classes that needed haste weren’t screwed etc.

Should have just scaled down to X ilvl and then added the % on top of that. Would have at least been a lot more reasonable.


When you take one line out of context in an attempt to make a point instead of taking the entire post in context, then yeah, I am going to call out your idiocy. Prove me wrong next time that you are capable of actual comprehension of the point I am making and actually respond appropriately to the entire context of the post.

The entire list as “faults” are an opinion. Not once have I implied that items listed didn’t happen. Seriously, I want to believe you are smarter than this.

Interesting but these are subjective in many way…

What you are calling faults other may well call features.

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All the things you listed as faults I actually liked. It’s a matter of opinion

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It is super hard to respect someone’s opinion that intentionally ignores context, misquotes and intentionally misconstrued a straight forward statement for the sake of trying to insinuate something that was never stated or implied. Their entire point was a very poor attempt at taking statements out of context to try and undermine my point.

If they had a legitimate argument I would gladly engage them as a decent human being, they chose not to and instead to try and make implications and assign statements to me that I did not make. They weren’t here for a discussion just a sad attempt at trying to posture.

You can be as nice you want if you some how think that makes your position more respectable all the power to you.

You literally described how raiding was done in Legion up to WOTLK. You used to run older raids for BiS stuff.

why do i think legion was a good expansion? because i had fun. i played the whole time without getting completely bored with the game. something i can’t say about the expansions directly before and after legion.

  • Good: Class hall, WORLD QUEST and SCALING (worst thing implemented ever)
  • Bad: Illidan, ARTIFACT…


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Faults… ap grind, illidan a good guy, suramar questing, argus no flight.

But even those ill take over bfa. Random legendary chance is better than no chance.

I think they had the perfect mindset in the expansion before it(god I hate glorifying WoD). The PvP gear scaled up in pvp combat but stayed at a lower level in pve to not disturb that aspect. There was nothing wrong with that. The real problem was how easy it was to get decked out in gear with only 1-2 days in Trashran.

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You certainly don’t have to respect someone’s opinion to refrain from calling them names. Come on, man. Let’s not be disingenuous with one another. I totally understand why you didn’t like the guy’s post, and I wasn’t asking you to buy him lunch. All I am saying to you is that taking the level of discourse down to name-calling . . .we should all be better than that. Me too (I have, upon occasion, lost my cool around here. And by “cool” I really mean a word that would get me banned.)

That was all. Just didn’t think the name-calling got you anywhere. And if I thought you weren’t a smart person, I wouldn’t have bothered to point that out. So consider my comments a sort of weird compliment.

Like when your mom says “You could do better.”

I agree, especially with the ease part.
Honestly though I’m still on the fence about the ilvl scaling part.
I don’t think it’s right that the top level PvPer gets the equivalent of “slightly better than Heroic gear” in PvE, yet a top tier raider gets “better than the best PvP gear” when they transition to PvP.

It needed to really be both ways, which is kind of why I personally lean more towards the PvP Power/PvP Resilience design in terms of PvP gearing. It punished PvPers in PvE but also punished PvEers in PvP which seems fair.
I’m not a fan of the homogenous gearing of today where everything can be used for everything, especially when PvP gearing is in such a terrible state that it’s better just to gear through PvE and world quests and then do PvP with it.