The idolization of content creators

People are continuously treating content creators like what they say is the truth, and that every opinion they have is correct. Making videos or streaming online does not make you correct about what you say, it’s also extremely weird when people regurgitate phrases that these content creators say.


Without knowing who you are talking about, people act like what content creators say is the truth because it matches their views. It’s the same reason people say Fox speaks the truth or CNN speaks the truth. There will always be people who do no research, and thus know very little, but have an opinion. Anything that agrees with them is the truth and everything else is a lie.

There now you never need another streamer thread, it’s pretty simple really.


It really is comical. Also, they don’t create content they just give their opinions.


I think what he’s referring to are all the people who had no view of their own to begin with. And it constitutes for a lot of the people.


Of course, but when they’re right they’re right. I don’t think anyone needs asmon to tell them blizz royally screwed up here.

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“Content creators” is such a terrible title for these leeches.

Content Streamers maybe?

“I wanna watch someone play a video game instead of playing one myself!”


There is a difference though. When one states something clearly obvious and is given accolades for saying it, it really does make me close my eyes and shake my head. Examples, when one of them says (as you said) “Blizzard messed up here” and one of their sycophants says “omg good point!” and goes on and on about it then later says “insert streamer name here brought this to our attention!!”


Thank you for sharing your 934th opinion and thread OP. We thank you for your service of sharing every little thing that comes to your mind.

Thank you.


Yeah, why would you wanna watch someone act in a movie when you can act in one yourself?

Such a stupid take lol


If you need a twitch streamer or a YouTuber to tell you Shadowlands flopped, you’re deluded. There can still be enough good things in the game to keep you playing, while simultaneously saying the game is bad. They aren’t mutually exclusive concepts.

Second, if you see a streamers name and spontaneously combust or feel compelled to say “Who?”, “Who cares what X thinks?”, you’re just as annoying as the poster. Stop. Why feel compelled to go into posts with uninteresting topics and bash what OP thinks.

Third, there is a difference between “regurgitating phrases” as you put it, and there being a chorus line of people who all dislike the same systems concepts. If Preach and Asmon both dislike Torghast, and I also dislike Torghast, and then you mindlessly (accurate phraseology) lump me in with them, you are doing the same thing you accuse me of, just the opposite side.

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Comparing webcam panhandlers to Hollywood actors? What a strange thing to do.

Love them or hate them they have the potential make or break a game. asmongold took his subs to FF14 and that has started a streamer gold rush.

Streamers word of mouth could sink a product or save it. to deny them and publicly hate them is game death.

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WoW was at its peak of subscribers before any of them were around. The game declined once they were “big.”

Bottom line, game will run and function just fine without them. Don’t give undeserved accolades.

Because Video Games are MUCH MORE Easily attainable?

Such a stupid poster lol

Yeah man, and my house burned down during the night time but not during the day, so obviously the moon is hotter than the sun.

Streamers are single-handedly bolstering a game that has been stagnant for over 5 years. You don’t have to watch them, like them, or acknowledge they exist, but to imply they don’t have power behind them to drive hundreds of thousands of players to a game is just wrong.

Not a good comparison. Wow was around and booming for a long time without streamers. It didn’t happen overnight…

Again, why give accolades where they’re not deserved? That’s so strange.

It’s not an accolade, it’s a demonstrable fact that they are doing exactly as I claimed. FF was selling out overnight. Google trends, which you can verify yourself, jumped exponentially the day Asmondgold started to stream the game. It’s true that streamers have a significant sway over the game. WoW isn’t dying because of streamers. FFXIV wasn’t maintained for years because of streamers, yet is being reinvigorated in a very significant way because of them.

Your comparison was that WoW did well without them and terribly with them, but that only takes into account the streamer and not the absolutely abhorrent state of the game. I only pointed out that your point was strange and wrong.

Wow had more subscribers in Wrath when streamers were not a thing.

I don’t know why you people insist on trying to give these guys credit they didn’t earn.

Does not compute.

It doesn’t compute because you cannot comprehend what I’m saying, and based on your name and hidden profile, I’d say thats intentional.

Remain intentionally dense and biased if you choose, but I’ve given you the tool to verify what I said. I don’t watch them, I think they’re annoying, but what I’ve said is true.

WoW didn’t die because of streamers, i already said this twice now. You’re just biased and upset and probably trolling.

Oh no, I get what you’re saying just fine. You’re reaching. You want to believe that panhandlers are the reason something is popular. I can go on all day listing games that were popular and at their peaks without streamers.