Does anyone else feel like I do? I am not racist at all, but I don’t like the manga-type aesthetic, the cat people and the entire design of the toons. It just doesn’t resonate with me at all.
I like wow design and aesthetics, probably will never be able to let it go. I just want them to upgrade some things and allow massive amounts of customization.
I mean, I have a long list of 100 complaints about the current state of the game and the company, but I guess I cannot change at this point because I feel a sense of loyalty to Wow!
FF is memes. New World is the game people are actually playing.
i have a friend from the forums who is no lifeing that game. if it takes away that type of player i hope that entire part of the player base frolics in the lilies with it and never comes back to wow. if i told you some of the stuff they do i’d get banned for repeating it. XD
i love her, but jeez.
Tell that to the 40% of players that stopped logging. Lol.
its to boring and ff is all about money to. it’s obvious with boosts and no amr changes. worse than vanilla leveling.
I actually am coming from FF.
Playing this fun game till next expansion drops there.
I definitely think there are pros and cons to both. I choose the Kyrian as my covenant and it is cool how there is such a strong story to them. The story of FF14 is strong but I don’t think has the diversity of story and options WoW does.
On the flip side I do miss that in FF server you can build a natural connection with people levelling with you as you’re on same data centre e.g Typhon/Tonberry are the two ‘EN’ heavy JP servers and so if you queue under English you meet familiar faces WoW is a big world of a whole bunch of small guilds over many servers by the looks of it to me.
For the life of me I can’t figure out why. A sliver of abilities to use, boring combat system where most of your fighting will be left clicking the mouse button, chopping down trees and collecting flint on the beach is the brunt and crux of what you do while you level.
The aesthetics are copy and pasted from one settlement to the next. Every quest involves the same few creatures such as wolves, zombies and repeat, rinse, recycle.
It’s probably one of the most mundane MMORPG experiences I’ve had since the failed Warhammer MMORPG over a decade ago.
To each their own I guess.
Yes, the 40% playing New World. I see them all the time.
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It’s actually a good game which doesn’t feel the old Final Fantasy games.
100%. Both games has it charms, and I’m actually quite glad I gave FF14 a go.
I don’t see why we gotto pit the two games against each other tbh. I feel like I have a home in Azeroth and Eorzea now.
amazon’s first game was a fps that was perma shut down months after launch and this one was supposed to be a survival game that got turned into an MMO right? friend said there’s no quests worth doing and that there’s something you can grind that gives you exp cuz there’s not enough quests to hit max level. the game doesn’t appeal to me though tbh.
New world has already dropped the number of daily players by half, I tried it for 3 days and I won’t be going back. Highly over rated game imo.
I tried it, liked it at first, then hated it. It wasn’t because of the aesthetic, it was because it forces you to do all the dungeons and raids, in order, and you can’t explore the world until you do. I even hit a wall with leveling professions because it wouldn’t let me go to the zones I needed to farm mats, without doing a bunch of raids. I hate raids.
I like story and exploration, questing and collecting. WoW lets me do all those things freely without ever setting foot in a dungeon or a raid. I can go anywhere in the world I want at any time and quest in any zone or area I want. Before trying the other game, I had no idea an MMO could be that on rails. So much forced content! It started making me sick to my stomach to think of logging on to it.
I’m guessing Moonguard Goldshire turned up to
I like the traditional FF games like FF6.
I like both games. Both have pros and cons. I like how my lvl 20 character already has gear that looks better than most wow mogs.
I also in WoW like combat much better, and the fact that when you die, you don’t have to start in the last save point.
There are many things that wow does better than FF and vice versa. It is fine to like both or just one of them.
Final fantasy XIV could legitimately be the most fun game ever made and I would still never play it solely because the art style
I don’t hate FF
I have a level 9 character, I just can’t get into it.
I do however hate the people who come here to give Squeenix free marketing.
I tried ff but could never get into it. The biggest issue I had is the whole everything on one character thing, not a fan of that.
Part of my personal content in wow is leveling new toons. I have one of every spec. Can’t really do that in ff without it feeling awful.
Also not a fan of the forced content. Thier lead dev says you can take frequent breaks and not worry about being behind but thats just not true.
Say for instance you dislike whatever current expansion is going on so you decide to break until the next expansion and then play that one instead.
You’ll be sol because you won’t be able to access the new expac until you do all of the story or whatever content in the expansion you dislike.
I could go on about why I dont like ff14 but that would take too long. It just didn’t resonate with me and never will.