To be fair, they updated it so that if you’re in a group with someone who tames Loq or Skoll, you get achievement credit.
Kind of wish more people knew.
To be fair, they updated it so that if you’re in a group with someone who tames Loq or Skoll, you get achievement credit.
Kind of wish more people knew.
Literally someone just explained the difference between all these world bosses and huolon.
Not only that, regardless of what it “means” for people, it is bad design to make mount dropping NPCs tamable. Especially when the solution is SO INCREDIBLY simple.
There is no joy for any party, no content, no “challenge” out of this. It’s dumb and aggravating for no reason at all.
Ohh yes it is if you got the right piece of equipment you can get to the top of the bridge there and be closer to the spawn point then anyone on the ground …and that item drops on that isle too…I know I still got mine from then and it has almost 30 plus charges now. Its called the Falling Flame …comes with 50 charges and mine still has 34 charges this far ahead now. I saved mine up for later expansions for when we couldn’t fly during new expansions and I wanted to get up in the air fast.
I use it with parachute cloak before we were forced out of using engineer on our cloaks but I keep Goblin glider kits now.
Yes, but you’re only describing the problem here. The world bosses having brief invincibility and Huolon not having any invincibility makes everything one sided. Hunters shouldn’t be able to steal a kill out from mount collectors with no contest, and hunters should also have at least a fighting chance to tame something before it’s killed by a mob of 20 people. This is why I think these types of mobs shouldn’t be tamable at all, just give hunters another way to obtain the models they want.
You’re talking to someone who is very much FOR making alternate locations available for Mount/Toy/Pet dropping mobs that are unique tames.
Something like “Lil’ Oondasta” or “Lil’ Huolon.”
Just place tameable “babies” near their spawn point.
Heck, make the babies retain their name and that’s even more incentive for hunters to tame em, for a “Lil’” pet.
Blizzard likes causing conflict between players, or they are just totally clueless about the consequences of what they do. They already had a dry run on this with Oondasta so they should have been aware.
So either this is intentional and won’t change or they didn’t bother reading the forums about Oondasta.
The answer is they have absolutely zero ability to recognize when they make a mistake. They only “claim” they do to save face when failures are catastrophic.
Scratch that… I need to go to sleep, I’m to angry at this game right now, aside from this particular topic. This pre-patch has been such an embarrassment in general.
Here’s my answer to your question:
Peace GD!
I’d LOVE that beyond belief. Little pets to go with little hunters! I wish the minipet glyph would affect my second pet too.
Any of these open world tames that have a primary purpose should have an alternate method for hunters.
Want to make Houlon tameable? I wouldn’t let the open world version be tamed. Make a timeless isle quest. Kill so many of the red ones to collect items, bring the items to the sky dragon people, get an egg, crack egg and tame dragon. The iron juggernaut was, IMO, done well. Yes I’d love to just go in and tame the boss, but it feels more huntery to do it with the special summon method.
ps I got two red ones for my dragons.
Hated that thing with a passion.
Why? The items for the scorpids aren’t 100% drop rates. :c It took me quite a few runs to get all the colors.
I hated that part of it. So many runs filled with disappointment. The method of the tame is what I liked and would like to see more of. Make getting the tame more “you’re a hunter” and less “you’re a waiter with a target/tame macro”.
One of my good friends came back for this expansion after leaving at the end of Wrath. He said he liked my Deth’tilac pet I usually have out on my hunter, and I explained how to get him and how difficult it was back when it was current content. That conversation would have been a lot less fun if all I had to say was “I spent 5 days hitting a macro waiting for it to spawn/waiting for no one else to be around when it spawned”. It’s a lot more fun when the difficulty in taming a rare pet comes from mechanics and strategy.
There are no “off hours” with Huolon
Hunters have no exclusive right to a mob just cause it is tamable.
Depends on the server. I left him for a good 15 minutes last night over my end trying to get the Jademist Dancer and the cave pet (still no luck at either. F) and no one came for him, so I snagged him on my hunter
Same for Nalak. It’s like Loque’nahak all over again.
I’m on WRA, and maybe this was a rare scenario, but I want to go check out Huolon for funsies. I’d love to tame him, but I acknowledge I may never get him.
There were three hunters there (no other classes), and they were in line. They were giving everyone a turn based off of who was there first. They were queued.
This gave me a lot of faith in kind players.
To be fair, people kill hunter only tames all the time like Loque’nohak. Those rare tames only drop a grey item that sells for 5 gold with achievement progress.
I remember camping for Loque and having all sorts of people come up and kill it while I was taming it.
So, I think of this as kharma.
As if mount farming wasn’t already way too boring and annoying…
You’re wrong about that btw. All rares in WotLK drops blues and a bag that has gold, unless they changed it for just Loque, but highly doubt that.
It’s too bad you can’t tame things on the Island Expeditions. The best looking Serpent is actually found as a rare spawn on one of them.