The Human Kingdoms need some love

That might work, depending on how blizz justifies it. I could see it going either way opinion wise.

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Personal theory… that’s what midnight is laying the foundations for… even if it doesn’t pay out during that expansion.

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Probably right, especially with Metzen vague Uniting the Elven Tribes comment he made at blizzcon this year.


blood elves were Horde loyal for 16 years and never before they turned a starting zone away from alignment. This would create an ugly precedence.

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That’s an awfully big assumption there. It’s just as likely they would create new starting zones for the different factions, or create a new starting zone.

Tirisfal is still Forsaken, Durotar Orcs and Tauren Mulgore. Even tho Kezan is lost it wasn’t lost to the other faction.

High Elves are playable, but you either have to

  1. Play a Void Elf and do your best to ignore the Void stuff.
  2. Play a Horde elf and make their eyes blue.

And I don’t think they will add yet another identical thalassian elven race. Most complaints have shut up by now so I think Blizzard is done giving in to a vocal minority.

With Midnight making all the elf races similtaniously Horde and Alliance, they probably won’t need to make a new race at all. Unless people are that bent on having “High Elf” on their character screen.

I’m really curious to know more about this new Human kingdom (humans of the Arathi tribe).

Its not like we have enough humans already. Blizzard can’t stop using them for everything while other races area ignored. Darkspear and Tauren are literally non existing.

We will have a whole area about a other Human kingdom so we want to know more about them. Stromgarde, Gilneas and Kul Tiras need more screen time. :dracthyr_nod:

I rather would try to get the other tribes back too and of course the Orc Clans that became the Fel Horde. The Trolls and Orcs are not complete.

Agreed! Honestly with the Midnight revamp, I want to see whatever happened to Alteraci Syndicate and whether or not they’ll address the fallen kingdom of the North. If they will revamp Lordaeron, Gilneas, Stromgarde, why not Alterac? That’s the one kingdom that’s wholly ignored and now the only one remaining abandoned…


What Gilneas really needs is to not be bloody neutral and have the whole reclamation questline thrown into the trash for something, almost anything, else.

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We have 5 functioning human kingdoms but only 1 Orc nation. You see the problem here yes?

Yeah, there’s still one Orc nation left.
Really need to get around to fixing that.

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No we need more Orc land not that dustin wasteland chosen by Thrall.

What Azeroth need is some epilogue from what has passed. Just travelling around is like time travelling. Visiting Light Hope’s Chapel in Eastern Plaugelands shows that the walls are no closer to completion then when they overnight appeared in a patch. Cataclysm are still ongoing with no signs of recovery. there is still a war going on in Darkshore.

All races there are a lot of tiding up to do. We have too many races so we should instead have a few races that sort up in subraces/cultures. And Lightforged draenei and Voidelves shouldn’t be races at all. These are power infused people that could be of ANY race. And really, the demonhunters are also power infused people. Race creation should be Race-subrace-power infusion (optional).

For humans, they should do what the elves are starting to tie things together thou we see most of that with the Kaldorei right now. Imagine a sort of cooperation of the elven nations forming and they have council. And the humans could do the same. Gilneas has been retaken, Alterac can be as well, Arathi could be next ansd so forth. This does not mean that the non-human population of these areas has to be thrown out, just that the humans get their act together and fix things. That means retaking and reparing Stromgarde rather than throwing the orcs out of Hammerfall. Anyone that prefer to experience Stromgarde as a ruin can have a talk with their local Bronze Dragonflight representative.

What land, specifically, should the orcs occupy? If other people are already there, what should be done with them?