The Orc clans got a lot of love in the Orc heritage quest, with only a scarce few obscure clans (Stormreavers & Bonechewers) not showing up. But the classic Human Kingdoms have mostly been forgotten. The Human Heritage Armor quest was mostly about revisiting the history of Stormwind. With the upcoming return of the ancient Arathi, I think revisiting the Seven Kingdoms would be really cool. All of them are still around, in some form.
Alterac has become the Syndicate, a coalition of thieves and assassins.
Dalaran has been rebuilt and is now a neutral state.
Gilneas has been rebuilt and the kingdom is currently active.
Kul Tiras is doing great.
Lordaeron is now undead, but most of the residents were there since they were alive.
Stormwind is probably doing something.
Stromgarde has been rebuilt and the kingdom is once again active.
The upcoming storyline would be a great chance to make some kind of council for representatives of each Kingdom. Even Undercity could have an emissary there.
What? Orcs have nothing outside Durotar. The new clan leaders are trash. Meanwhile you just rebuild Gilneas and Stromagrde after Kul Tiras joined in Bfa. How much human focus do you need until you are happy?
The Burning Blade and Shadowmoon were there. Granted the rep for Shadowmoon said she considers her clan to be dead. Black Tooth Grin are also now considered part of Blackrock clan so it’s kind of splitting hairs to debate if there were represented or not.
Twilights Hammer is no longer an Orc clan and hasn’t been for years. It’s an Old God cult.
I’ll give you Bonechewers, Laughing Skull, Stormreavers and Thunderlords. If I had to guess why, I’d say it’s because Bleeding Hollow is currently the only “fel” clan the Horde are in contact with, and the other three might be involved in a Fel Orc Customization questline. As for Stormreavers, they’ve nearly been wiped out and the only living member we’ve met so far is a recluse filled with regrets. There could be more in hiding, though.
Another reason is probably because Blizzard wanted to focus on a reasonable amount of clans, because that’s like, what, sixteen? More than double the amount of human kingdoms.
Blademasters are individuals. Taht sole Shadowmoon members was not the leaders nora survior of Illidans forces. Just someone who has been hiding and rejected everything what made them cool.
Lantresor and Relka represent the parts of their divided clans that are still loyal to the Horde. They show that their clans aren’t a monolith but they still exist and there are still heroes in both of them. Just like how the Blackrock Clan aren’t a monolith and have both good and evil subfactions.
Also technically if the Laughing Skull were to rejoin any Azeroth faction, they’d probably join the Alliance. Or maybe they’d team up with the Syndicate.
What do you mean absent? We find a group of them killing each other over who should lead the Worldbreaker cult.
But as Lougo mentioned, the Twilights Hammer hasn’t been an orc clan since the end of the Second War. As soon as Cho’gall met with C’thun, it has been an Old God cult that accepts anyone.
They should stop being lazy and at least give us a phase where Stromgarde is rebuild instead of the warfront cycle that’s going on right now. Same with Darkshore.
Also give Southshore back to us in game before it inevitably becomes retconned.
A hidden and secret whole human kingdom devoted to the Light that has evolved on its own for thousands of years? Absolutely, yes, I’d love that.
But… I’ve been calling it since the very first image; they’re going to be tied to the rising Scarlet stuff. And the whole “we haven’t seen the last of the Scarlets” stuff in the Gilneas thing only reinforces that belief.
My fear is that we’re going to get more of that “the Light is good, the Light is bad, the Light is neutral” crap, and… Yeah, not to go full Thad (no offense, Thad)? I’m not here for it.
The Light being neutral is fine, but I don’t need to keep being beaten over the head with it, and I don’t need the tired trend of the Scarlets being the token example of Bad Light. We’ve had that. We had it in Vanilla, in Wrath, Cata and MoP. We allegedly put it to bed in Legion, only to find out nope, we have a whole new Scarlet Crusade in the form of the Scarlet Brotherhood. They were never designed to be a major issue, yet we cannot seem to get rid of them. And they went from the “Anti-Scourge/Everything Is Scourge” faction to “Well, we’re just token racist religious fanatic now” group.
You can have your religiously fanatic racists. You can tell that story. But taking the name of a pre-existing group, filing off all that made them a noteworthy thing to begin with, and slapping their name on to this new group is lazy.
And even if this isn’t the case, even if they have nothing to do with the Scarlets? I’m skeptical. Because Blizzard keeps reinforcing my skepticism. Because whenever they tell us about this wonderful new thing, they boil it down to eight lackluster quests and a city with neither a portal nor a flight master.
My knee jerk reaction was absolutely not. Never ever.
Then I started thinking, this would be a great opportunity to shove Calia in the corner and never have to deal with her again within the Forsaken narrative. I’m all on board and you can have her
You’re going to be disappointed to hear that isn’t what I had in mind. My idea for a “Human Kingdom” council wouldn’t have any faction leaders, just representatives. Kind of like a UN committee. Being a member of the council wouldn’t even mean you’re aligned with the other kingdoms, just that you’ve sent a delegate there to advocate for your nation’s interests.
They Syndicate would still be villains, the Undead would still be a part of the Horde, etc.