The Horde will never change without punishments

yeah having authority over your own city is alot different than having authority of others. even weak leaders usually have power over their own nations

the horde isn’t orcs, and orc chiefs isn’t the same thing as a war chief
they’re entirely different titles

Chiefs Trol and Tauren work as I said.

Sylvanas has absolute authority over his subordinates as seen with Koltira
The only ones who may have a written code are the Blood Elves.

Each town has its laws and each Judges in its own way the Criminals and Prisoners.

If Sylvanas is captured, her punishment will surely be dermined by the leaders as a whole of the faction that holds her back.

For the Alliance Sylvanas is a dangerous war criminal and directly responsible for the loss of thousands of inosense lives.

For the horde it is also something similar

If the dying elves did it with you, they played the horde to save the Civilians.

Nor do they want to believe that the horde did something like that.

Varok also orders cease fire but nobody listens

no you didn’t
and stop editing your post 30 times.

that’s how EVERY faction has been shown to work

yeah…writing laws down doesn’t make the laws non existent, most laws in older countries started off as an oral tradition and agreement between people that developed into written ones

even today there are plenty of laws in western countries that aren’t written but are still 100% enforced as unwritten laws

yeah, but they abide by their individual kings/leaders not to the high king, or the war chief

some laws overlap but they’re not dictated

every race has it’s own laws, acting like it has anything to do with the title of the faction leader is absurd

You think it’s absurd.


If I didn’t do it, I would make 30 posts.

And those laws are in charge of the authority of said people.

If the Wardens describe something as a Crime in a Crime.

If the head of the Black Spear decides that something is a crime, it is.

And those crimes will be judged within their jurisdiction / territory.

You simply cannot deny the authority of the Stormwind King as if I denied that of Chief Tauren.

In fact I made a mistake that decides Sylvanas’ punishment is Maiew.

She is the judicial and police power in elven lands.

the wardens don’t determine what is and is not a crime, if they tried that they’d end up executed by a warden

there is no such thing as black spear, and the darkspear don’t determine laws based upon who happens to be leading at the time

stormwind only has legal authority in two situations

  1. it is stormwind
  2. it is a matter that deals with the alliance as a whole and not merely one or 2 factions

having police power doesn’t mean you get to dictate what laws (if any) are broken. that’s not how the wardens work

they’re not capable of sentencing, to do so would be illegal and would get the warden in question hunted down by her sisters

you don’t even know how the alliance members handle justice, let alone what the whole agrees to lol

this is only you personal appreciation.

You forget things conveniently even though I work with the Wardens during legion.

She knows their criminal code and decide if they should appreciate or eliminate certain creatures or individuals.

I can assure you that Sylvanas is a criminal for these.

In fact she quite strict with his things.

They proclaim themselves Justice.( Judge Dredd referense)

In fact, since she was literally the elven judiciary, he had clashes with Malfurion and Tyrande since they allowed magicians within society.

They also seem to have the power to release prisoners if they deserve it.

Atrocities? Lets see who the good guys truly are. Sentinel hill. Crawling with starving homeless, the alliance keep outside the walls. I remember a city whose entire populace was slaughtered because they were sick. Did you even try to find a cure? Horde enlisted undead, we didn’t eradicate a whole city of them. Who enlisted a group of elves corrupted by the void? I’m pretty sure that won’t end well. Look closer to home next time you want to judge people. This is WARcraft, bad things happen.

But the Horde IS being punished…

As per the Fourth War Accords, management of the Horde will fall to their new Vulpera overlords. All Horde laws have been changed to where crime is met by yiffing. In time, many Horde will assimilate to the Vulpera way of thinking. You’ll see scantly clad Horde females of loose morals, dating Vulpera and having Vulpera Baby Daddys and Orcs will lament the crumbling of society values.

I mean…we could not of figured out a better punishment. This one just fell from the heavens. Divine justice!

A thief is better than an involuntary killer and involuntary killer is better than a serial killer or a war criminal.

We have all ever done something wrong and that is why we are not going to judge those who do worse.

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Sir, please stop spreading such libel. I will have you reported to your local Vulperan Magistrate for Reyiffeducation.

I have many alliance toons as well. I know your secrets. Hush now, or I start blabbing.

You just jealous cause we get thicc love from the Kul Tiran women.

They first got to come up with several important issues before they can do anything. The top one is she right now only one to make forsaken. Unless they plan on killing off the race. I do not see any way to go forward. Really how you going to explain new forsaken?

Then you got to deal with the forsaken itself. How they go forward. Do they leave horde or stay. How they fit in. As of right now almost all of them have been arrested.

The last thing is if she taken out. The hoorde have no co equals in the game. That just leaves the game dead. Sense it no longer make sense to have the horde factions. As it is there almost no reason now.

There’s a meme I’d like to post but I know it will get me in trouble.

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Only if it’s Jaina doing the punishing.

S&M Jaina. She refurbishes that dungeon underneath Orgrimmar with the help of Baine. Turns out he kinda liked it down there.

The Horde will or won’t change, with or without punishment, at the writers’ discretion.

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So with that many Vulpera, another 2/3 are blood elf. That leaves you guys with what?.. like 2 orcs and a troll left to represent?

Fur the Horde!