The Horde & the cosmic chart : problems, solutions

That was such a a major insult. that Bwom and De Other Side was turned into nothing more than a tiny subsection of Ardenweald.

Because you know, night elves apparently weren’t special enough in WoW as it was. They needed to have a whole afterlife dedicated to them. And one that’s important to the entire upkeep of the shadowlands no less


Night elves have had super special zones or sub-zones dedicated to them in every expansion since Legion.
Legion had Val’sharah.
BfA had the Darkshore Warfront.
Ardenweald in SL.
Technically the Emerald Gardens are a green dragon sub-zone of Ohnaran Plains but they can’t really seem to do anything related to green dragons without having the night elves tagging along.

Tyrande’s been featured in at least one cutscene in every expansion since Legion.

I’m curious when the next expansion will be where nelves get no attention at all. :confused:


They’re gonna get a night deciduous forest zone in the light lands.

Welcome to the World of W-Nelfcraft.


And don’t forget they’re a getting new world tree. That’s bigger, better and more magical than any tree that came before it. Blessed by both Elune AND The Winter Queen


The 90% number applied to the Kingdom of Quel’Thalas. That’s not just Silvermoon City, but the High Elves whom had been living in what are now the Ghostlands, and Eversong Woods as well. This statistic did not account for High Elves outside of the Kingdom, such as those in Dalaran, in the expedition with Jaina, those in Outland, or the various lodges in the Eastern Kingdoms, or those still serving the Alliance scattered about the Eastern Kingdoms.

Perhaps, but by now that’s just not true. Whether it was a retcon, or you’re misremembering isn’t relevant.

Kinda weird that Kael’thas did know.

Sylvanas’ threat to pull the Forsaken out of the Ghostlands would’ve caused the Blood Elves to lose control over that region. The Lodge in the Eastern Plaguelands was under the command of High Elves, whom have been exiled by Quel’Thalas.

Nathanos had sent Horde adventurers to attack that lodge in vanilla. This was then confirmed in Lor’themar’s Cataclysm leader short story, ‘In the Shadow of the Sun.’

On the Ardenweald topic, I just want to note that it was not one of the original planned Shadowlands zones - it was a single sub-area in Bastion, but some devs thought the Adenweald tree design was so pretty that they tuned it into a whole zone.

So yeah, the devs keep defaulting to night elf themes all too often when making a new zone, but in SL it doesn’t seem to have been their design decision to make a night elf zone.

(And I’ll note that one of the reasons I quit the game for all of SL is because none of the announced zones matched up to any of the afterlife references made in-game before the expac was announced - no ancestor realm where the spirits we regularly consult reside, no Light afterlife, no Elune, etc. Just twisted reflections of their themes that had no actual links to the things people knew about and hoped to see.)

I wonder if there’s an inverse of the “We have [X] at home” meme, where instead of an airheaded parent refusing to get an item for their kid because they have a terrible version already, the airheaded parent is instead getting rid of the old and treasured item the kid had already and replacing it with a new terrible version.

“Hey, here’s Ardenweald!”
“…But we already have the Emerald Dream-”
“Nope, retconned that so that it uses Ardenweald instead. NOW ENJOY YOUR NEW TOY.”

“Here’s Val’sharah!”
“But we already had Moonglade. And Hyjal. And the Temple of Elune in Darnassus. And-”
“Nah, those all suck. We’ll make Val’sharah more important and thus invalidate the roles of those old zones.”

“Here’s a new World Tree!”
“But we have Hyjal already. It’s even in that recent book you published! Phasing can be weird to play with, but even still it wouldn’t require that much work to-”
“Shut up and take the tree. Also have another tear-jerker cinematic about the loss of Malfurion because we want you still to know that even if you all know he’ll be back, you’re supposed to feel sad about his sacrifice. Feel sad. But not about Teldrassil - forget that stupid little genocide already because I’m bored of slapping band-aids on that gaping wound and want to ignore it instead.”

Just give me an upbeat questline/cinematic of the night elves rebuilding in a secured Hyjal and/or Ashenvale, and I’ll happily sit out the next expac or three.


Great that the traitor Hawkspear was dealt with. He earned his fate when he stick to the alliance.

Thought I’d necro this thread now that we got a glimpse of the next 3 expansions and they all seem very cosmic-oriented and extremely short on any sort of Kalimdor Horde involvement lol

The cosmic chart is the blueprint of the Universe. It exists outside of faction conflict.

it’s out of scope for some races to have a defined theology, but there are Horde races, Tauren, and Trolls who do have extensive knowledge of the greater cosmology.

It’s not about faction conflict, it’s about giving both fanbases reasons to feel involved in the cosmic narrative at hand


Kalimdor is simply not relevant to the content of the saga, it is all oriented in the Titans, the Light, and the Void.

So its Dwarves, Humans, and Elves for the next decade.

The more I discover Zanadalari troll theology, the more I think they might be more relevant in the upcoming saga than anyone realises, don’t forget about Mueh’zala.

Yes indeed

Well let’s try to divert them from doing this cuz I sure as hell can’t take it

We don’t have much of a choice. The best you can is hope they add other races to the story. But elves and dwarves are going to be THE THING far as the World Soul saga is concerned

I hope horde takes the stage in Midnight because we don’t have much in this cosmic story.

If we are lucky they may expand on the amani, drakkari, forsaken and taunka as we go from Quel’thalas to Northrend.