Edgy would be snorting that fel juice and get some sweet demon customization options. Also both races are still able to be warlocks. So the edge never left actually it just needs some love and care to grow. Shinfel and Ritssyn could kickstart that.
Blood Elves have never had that, so youâre saying they have never been edgy?
Of course. And I donât have a problem with there being warlocks. I just donât think itâs an improvement to make the BEsâ entire racial identity revolve around fel, when it wasnât that way in the beginning.
Of course. And I donât have a problem with there being warlocks. I just donât think itâs an improvement to make the BEsâ entire racial identity revolve around fel, when it wasnât that way in the beginning.
this tbh. The BESâ entire racial identity has never revolved around fel corruption or demonic magic at all. Thatâs how they got their green eyes, but their whole racial identity initially in TBC wasnât just tied to fel or demonic magic in specific: it was doing whatever it took in order to survive regardless of supposed morality or ethics, and honestly even then fel/demonic magic wasnât a large part of that; theyâve always used the arcane more than fel.
Now their racial identity has changed and the Blood Elves shouldnât regress as a whole back to the edge they had in TBC considering how different the circumstances are now. I think there should be some characters or aspects within modern-day Belf society so that those that enjoy the TBC aspects can enjoy it through whatever avenues are available, but as a majority the Belves should imho stay on the course they are now. It doesnât make them fake Horde or pro-Alliance or whatever else.
What the blood elves were doing in Nazmir has more edge than the entirety of TBC.
That edge is still there, it is just hidden and every once in awhile it pokes itâs head out.
Interestingly, since the breakers were descended from a creation of Aggramar we could probably call the orcs titanforged.
Cosmic chart sucks. Why would Horde want a connection to it? Every cosmic force is just a bunch of big robots trying to control and dictate what people can do.
If anything the Horde should be out there trying to destroy the cosmic forces so they can truly be free instead of having a collection of powerful buttholes trying to dictate their lives.
The Prophet Lena lives. Holy.
On Twitter
Off the cuff
In contradictory ways to later presentations
Give what we know now about how the lore sausage is made, câmon lmao
Prior to BfA, I kind of hoped Sylvanas was going to rally Azeroth to invade the Shadowlands to destroy the Death Gods that made a pact with her - because they were encroaching on Azeroth, but also because the only way to free herself from the pact would be to kill what ever being she made the pact with.
Sort of giving the Horde that âeven the cosmic forces bow to usâ type of thing.
But that did not happen.
Iâd put them as cosmic and their home realm is the mortal/physical world just as the other forces have their own home realm, and the other cosmic forces just come in and meddle and try to claim the physical world.
Itâs a plot point from back in Mop when there is a quest where the blood elves unravel the secrets to how the anima golems work, we then see them in WoD, Legion, and BFA under blood elven command. Itâs one of the few times in wow lore where weâve shown that things change with people learning new things/developing new strategies.
So with other words weâve been shown how the blood elves learned this knowledge and then been consistently shown them field this tech.
I was told this earlier as well, but Iâm actually not aware of what the actual contradiction is?
Blood magic was also called a dark and strong life magic by Lorthemar back in MoP during the whole Anima golem quest.
I personally also think it fits well since Hakkar the souflayer is a wild god and him using a dark twisted version of life magic works well.
Danuser (lol) said Revendreth is the origin of all blood magic
All this talk about blood magic is making me think it wouldnât be a bad support spec for warlocks.
I think this has to be a thing they scrapped and instead went with itâs all anima in the shadowlands, since blood magic venthyr goes fully against all the previously established lore, and blood magic is not mentioned at all in Revendreth, itâs even stated to be anima but then again it would not be the first time theyâve retconned things for no reason at all.
Skycaller, we just went through the past week where we got confirmation from an ex-dev, ex-intern, ex-historian, and April Copeland (who is neither dev nor intern nor historian but seemingly the Mouth of Sean Copeland on twitter since he deleted his account) that none of the devs are ever beholden to even the concept of consistency/canonicity and that Blizzard lore is to this day run entirely in a laissez faire design philosophy.
There is no canonicity. There is no consistency. The entirety of the lore is entirely run by the capricious whims of whoever happens to be an employed dev.
They are not beholden to anyone. Not us, not the game, not even each other.
Truth be told this entire subforum should be purged.
That is very depressing to hear.
I think factional themes is something thatâs very subjective.
Speaking for myself, the difference between the Alliance and Horde was one of morality and pragmatism.
As an example, in the Horde, it is honorable to pursue the pragmatic path. It is more honorable to steal food to feed your family, than it is to let them starve. To contrast this on the Alliance, theft is never justified under any circumstance, and it is morally reprehensible to steal from someone else for any reason.
How this applies to that division between Blood Elves and High Elves was very self-explanatory. High Elves adhered to that Alliance sense of morality: it was better to suffer withdrawal and possibly die from it, than it was to torment a living being by draining itâs mana from it. By contrast for the Blood Elves, there was more honor in surviving and contributing to the welfare of QuelâThalas, than being a useless lump laying around because youâre too high and mighty to do what it takes to be strong for your people.
It is all about politics. Despite Anasterian leaving the alliance on purpose and telling his people they better stick to their own. Those who follow the Windrunner sisters were diehard blue team loyalists. Except the Dark Rangers of course. Those who followed Alleria to Draenor still are. We met Auric Sunchaser back in TBC.
On the specific subject of Druidism / Nature / Life and how it should apply with the Horde:
One thing I have become sick of in the lore is how Druidism / Nature is only associated with a single biome - the forest. With the magical forest being portrayed as âpeak natureâ
Growing up in various biomes I would love to loudly shout:
Forests are not the only natural biome
Like take the Barrens - they are in a savanna in pretty much every way they are depicted - with a lot of things specific to the African savanna. A savanna is not a wasteland, but an incredibly bio-diverse and rich landscape with some of the more famous and well recognized animals on the planet inhabiting them. Yet, biomes like this get treated like they are bottom of the totem pole. Night Elves trying to turn them into forests, the land being called barren, etc etc.
The Horde should have their own druidism and themes not tied to forests -
The Tauren can have Druids of the Plains (like the Hearthstone Card). They have a historical connection with the Kodo and the Barrens, and this can easily lead to their own druidic sect. Maybe show them as a bit different - wearing more hard leather and bone, maybe using guns (as that is a traditional Tauren weapon). You can have fun with it, basically making them Tauren Cowboys that watch over herd of Kodo while taking on a Kodo-form.
There should be druids that specifically work in the Swamps, and Oceans, Snowy mountains, etc etc. Druidism is painfully limited in their biomes, and nature is so much more complex than magical forest.
I feel you but druids isnât that bad atleast they acknowledge that other only know basics
Shamans were only orcs in wc1-3. Now they are everywhere now. Even the earthen ring leans more towards alliance now vs shamans with nobundo leading it.
Taurens weâre all about earth, used earth magic said stuff life earth mother but now that identity has been taken over by drawls with magni being earth speaker.
Arcane was blood elf thing now, arcane/mage is all humans.
I personally loved race/class restrictions, it takes away from race identity.
This game has issues with racism. Forest are European(same with druids), savanna are African. Europeans are humans, monghols are orcs, troll are Jamaican, taruens are Native American. Hate to bring this up but they canât give other cultures representation in the game the same care. Barrens is often portrayed as well barrens useless land, especially by the night elfâs.