The horde needs a devastating defeat

okay so after reading all the posts again i think that you guys made me change my mind.

maybe we don’t need to “humilliate” the entire horde in order to have something “satisfactory”
because, if we go too far, the ones who will be claiming justice will be the horde player, i mean we already have some of that still wanting justice for camp taco, the purge or rastaboi. (and to be honest i don’t think that they will ever get that because that is the benefit of being the hero faction.) :thinking:

so what about this, let the NELFS have a solid win versus sylvanas’s horde, just a clean win without falling into another trap of sylvanas playing 700d chess,lets say, reclaiming darkshore and ashenvale

hell maybe even a CGI cinematic about she or malfurion bringing the full force of the kaldorei army that we saw in wc3,chymeras, driads, montain giants, maybe even cenarius himself that just annihilate their enemies, we don’t need to nuke thunder bluff or put a void lord into the sunwell.

i will count 8.2 losing the entire fleet as their comeback.

we could see some of this during the war campaign, the horde attacked anglerpoint, we arrived,we killed them all and completely won the day, i think that we need some of this but in a bigger scale.
the horde player didn’t even seen this.

This is actually a very good point, thank you.