The horde doesn't need a devastating defeat

Yeah it wasn’t the Alliance in every single raid and zone with the exception of High Mountain.


I don’t know which one would step up specifically. They had Saurfang agree with a plan that wasn’t in his character, so I’m unsure why you think they wouldn’t have anyone else do the same thing.

The only place the alliance was acting as the alliance and horde as the horde was storhiem as a b plot

So the writers would need to make another convoluted reason for the Horde to go to war with the Alliance. The writers could also make a convoluted reason on why the Horde wouldn’t care if Sylvanas died to the hands of the Alliance.

My point is that at that point in the story most of the Horde champions would have been working with neutral parties. They wouldn’t have any capable leaders left that would be able rally what remains of the horde leadership to battle the Alliance, especially with the legion on their doorstep.

If Sylvanas had just died in Stormheim at Genn’s hands we probably would be at peace and BFA would have never happen.

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The reasonong sylv as bas have fir the war didnt mention storhiem just the alliance might possably one day maybe attack us so we must slaughter them first.

Remonds me of kil’jaden and the orcs not long agi.


No, you wouldn’t, because you don’t kill a World Leader and then have that nation just accept it lying down. That presents the idea that they accept that the other nation has power over them, and can do that at any time they want.

That sort of action requires and demands a response.


That is exactly whats happening this expansion. The Horde rebels are falling over them selves trying to join the Alliance to fight Sylvanas.

Sylvanas didn’t get 1 battle in before people were already second guessing her leadership.

If she had just been killed back in Legion they may have been upset but as I pointed out none of the remaining leaders would care enough to go to war.


Hah. I hadn’t even realized that Saurfang had essentially fallen for the same trick twice.

Have a :blue_heart:


I don’t agree with you. Sylvanas was insane, sure, but she was the Warchief of the Horde and one of the Original Three, as well as the leader of the Forsaken. The Horde can’t afford to lose the Forsaken, either.

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Why would she be villain batted?
Jaina did the purge and no villain bat. Genn did stormheim and he got no villain bat and there are a few examples.
Tyrande won’t be villain batted, I would find it incredibly unlikely.

Nobody said that. You just have no argument so you put words in other people’s mouth.
Go start another thread about Horde or Saurfang’s honor if this topic interests you so.

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I would not mind some kind of forgiveness process after Sylvanas dies but the Alliance needs the kill this time.
We got garrosh last time.

True, Tyrande will be fine. Only the Horde is held accountable for their actions.

Sylvanas shouldn’t die, especially not to the Alliance. We have already lost way too many of our big characters.

If I didn’t get to kill Jaina, you aren’t going to get Sylvanas, sorry.


Not sure how blizz can put the faction conflict to bed if she lives this is at least according to them the expansion where the horde finally soul searches or purges the last bad elements or something that sylvanas repersents.

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Oh, I have no doubt she will be exiting the story as Warchief. I’m just saying that she shouldn’t die. Have her abandon the position (that she never really wanted) to pursue her own ambitions and leave her out of the story for an expac or 2 until you need her again.


Having her as a recurring villian or worse getting a redemption arc sounds very meh to me


That’s fine. Her getting killed off by the Alliance sounds worse than meh to me.


How about the horde killing her?

zzzzz. i wasn’t particularly into the Garrosh story the first time it happened lol


Well nothing they can do with her wont be meh to someone

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Yep. They’ve definitely written themselves into a corner on this one.


Really wish they hadnt villian batted her i liked sylvanas up till legion

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