The horde doesn't need a devastating defeat

Eh. The Alliance version of the fight was against an army of Royal Dreadguard that was with Nathanos and Kaldorei Dark Rangers - probably the very same ones that the Horde player was able to raise in their questing. Alliance version Nathanos couldn’t lay a hit on Tyrande (Horde version is different, where Tyrande is an attackable target).

The additional units make it look a lot less like they’re just fighting an empowered Nathanos. But that doesn’t really make the situation more palatable because Signe is just not attackable in the scenario.

You can’t interact with her, do damage to her, nothing to even put up the illusion that you could actually interrupt her raising the Night Elves. It was just a plot point that was going to happen without Tyrande or Malfurion or the player being involved with it.

I made this following complaint on the Tides of Vengeance PTR Forums (and the Story Forums, too):

Blizzard’s solution?

They simply changed the scenario stage description to:

    Stage 11: The Queen's Pawn
    Confront Nathanos