The horde doesn't need a devastating defeat

Well the whole problem is the nonsensical turn the story took in WoT. I think the only way to fix the problems that that caused were to extend to Horde the usually reserved for Alliance aggression retcon and change how things went down between expansions. It’s unsalvageable from what I know of the story. I don’t think you can keep having a player faction stuck under the thumb of what blizzard made us do.

I don’t really want that honor horde, at least not the one that keeps coming up here that’s basically just an excuse to try and exclude the forsaken and blood elves. I want a way to bring it back to the whole band of survivors who have differences and band together so they can watch each other’s back. I like the flavor that brings to the faction.

And again, the problem isn’t as much that Baine delivered Derek to Jaina. It’s that he only acts as part of alliance related stories, so removing that isn’t going to mean that Baine suddenly was shown to have cared one tiny bit about the lives lost in the “military target” he wrote off before.

As for how to get back to a horde I’d like I posted in the sister thread to this one, and I didn’t even get vindictive and hope the Alliance got the whole Horde Bias treatment in there. I want an Alliance that is a reasonable (as in not mustache twirling but based on things real nations do) existential threat to the horde.