Which shows how wildly out of touch they are. The only theory I’ve heard to explain why they ever thought that that made sense was that the writers are still mentally trapped in WotLK remembering the Alliance backlash against Varian being the aggressor.
This is the take I thought you were making when I said this:
So I was right after all and your argument actually is that you’re not bad if you’re too incompetent to actually perform the bad things you intended to do. The Alliance had all the same plans the Horde did, the Horde was just better at actually executing them.
What plans? The Alliance was not particularly expansionistic aside from retaking old lands that they did have. And even then were willing to led the Horde use Aszhara if it meant they left Ashenvale(which they didnt).
Hell, the Alliance isnt even particularly interested in wiping out the Horde and has been more interested in finally dealing Justice to those who most deserve it.
No offense, but I have zero clue who you are. This isn’t a dig or anything, I just don’t recall ever seeing you in any of the threads I did post in/have ever seen you reply to me.
My guess it is Aussielight. Given that both him and Ausspiritual like to have things in big bold friendly letters at the beginning of their posts.
Also the fact that they are from the same server and the fact that they achievement pages are exactly the same. Like they have the exact same achievements. I do love the raider-io work around for hidden profiles.
Unfortunately when I try to check their collections, the armory crashes on me. Even for Ausspiritual who’s profile is not hidden.
I really do not understand people who forum swap to alts.
a way easier way to check than achievements is pets.
An easier way to not look like an idiot is to read the full post.
Cause you seemed to miss this
are you okay?
what happened?
wanna talk about it??
I should ask if you are okay. For someone who prides themselves on calling people illiterate, you seem to get upset when it is thrown towards you. Did you really need to try and do a gotcha for some cheap internet brownie points?
damn, brother.
i was trying to give you an easier option.
if i wanted to do a gotcha i’d ask why you needed to check at all, because aussie never acts differently and does weird text size changes that no one else ever does.
that you needed to check at all is yikes.
enjoy your dressing down i guess.
Was it though when I did address it in the post? And you would’ve known that if you simply read the post.
Cause I’ve been wrong before when it came to two different posters that posted in similar, if not the same style.
not everything in the forums demands my complete attention or a full reading.
your entire post was one example.
i saw you bent over backwards to check for something everyone else intrinsically picked up on, and shrugged and decided to tell you the easier way.
will be sure not to help you in the future though.
And yet you demand that others do it for your own posts. Rules for thee but not for me it seems.
Oh wow, a couple of sentences, 8 to be exact was too much for Dreadmoore?
Oh no. How sad.
Clearly it wasn’t everyone as Zerde had to ask the question and Chenghen liked the post with the question.
That I already knew about and you would’ve known that if you could read beyond 5 sentences.
if they’re arguing with me, yes?
this is like, common sense.
i didn’t come here to argue with you.
you’re literally pitching a fit over someone trying to help you.
So you don’t know what the word “everyone” means then?
One counter example is all that is needed to disprove a for all statement. And saying “everyone knew X” is an example of such a statement. But good to know that you don’t think Zerde, nor Chenghen are people when it comes to who you consider “everyone” are.
Knowing you Dread, I doubt that was the actual reason. As I said, you could’ve just read the 6th sentence. And as a result, you have resorted to trolling as usual.
everyone with wrinkles picked up on who aussie was, what with never changing post formats, and you know, his name.
Dread, why do you do this? You make yourself look an idiot, get called one and you resort to trolling because you got offended. For now on, I will only do up to 5 sentences in any post that is directed to you. Since 5 is your limit.
“When Alliance does bad it gets downplayed, justified, or excused away”
“Jaina wanted to wipe Orgrimmar off the map”
“Jaina was justified in doing it because of Theramore”
“pEoPlE aCtUaLlY tHiNk AlLiAnCe Is JuSt As BaD aS tHe HoRdE!”
Having the Horde be built up to this conglomerate great force then be crushed and reform once more after waging war with the Alliance, again — is what I meant by them being humbled by the Alliance. Because the majority of the Alliance’s heroes in said conflict’s — STAY heroes. Whereas the Horde have theirs killed off / banished as being the wrongdoers or on the wrong side of the war.
- Garrosh Hellscream
- Warlord Zaela
- General Nazgrim
- Sylvanas Windrunner
- Her Val’kyr
- Nathanos Blightcaller
- Dark Ranger Captain Areiel
and those are just from the top of my head …
So I don’t see how people can suggest:
Because that’s clearly not true.
- Additionally, Varian chose not to “Dismantle the Horde” – as Jaina Proudmore had eagerly recommended for him to do at the time … Varian choosing to spare them, believing there may yet still be some honor amongst them – was them choosing to humble the Horde.
I’ve still yet to be provided a fair example of comparison to the Horde’s Theramore nuke or burning of Teldrassil — Unprovoked.
Unless the Alliance believe for the most part, that either of the above were justified by the Horde or that they were shown mercy by them — I’d hardly say the Alliance were the ones that were humbled by the Horde. lol
Plus like Zuleika said:
It’s pretty insulting to the ENTIRE faction, when you flex on them with a single race and some minor (lore-wise) backup.
I understand a few arguments here & there, particularly of stand-alone events / subjects — But from the greater story point of view, especially ‘The Big hitters’ → The Horde are clearly villain batted far more than the Alliance. It’s disgustingly ingenuous to state otherwise.
As I’ve said:

My ultimate point was that the Horde are applied in a far more villainous light than the Alliance are.
Because it’s true.

The part of this conversation I find the funniest is that it all started about something Jaina almost did.
I said I wasn’t going to follow up on the Jaina thing, so I won’t.

And finally, I have a real issue when people talk about 'oh, the Alliance never got punished for it’s wrongs. Okay, so what about the Horde?
Believe me, Horde-centric players feel punished by losing major characters and faction respect. It never seems to be enough to satisfy Alliance-centric players, though.