So what you’re saying is that Sylvanas is Rey Skywalker and Nathanos is Finn. That would make Tyrande a Phasma, powerful and trained high ranking military officer defeated by a sidekick, by accident, as comedic relief.
I’ve bounced between the factions over the years, and I’ve noticed it too.
Funny though, after reading the book ‘Before The Storm’ I had high hopes coming into BFA that we’d see a playable race of undead on the alliance side followed by Calia Menethil, or have some juicy plot for the Alliance to encourage a rebel force within the Horde (following up after Silvannas’s attempts to snuff out a council of undead in the book). Just throwing out ideas that could be more interesting for both Alliance and Horde that you know… barely got mentioned in game.
Instead of Alliance basically being reactionary to Horde plot losing their marbles every other expansion.
Ah well, better lookin’ for more interesting story telling in their books than in game tbh.
Nah, I just ordered spring rolls and combination fried rice for delivery. Don’t want to get filled up, you know?
Understandable. Enjoy the show!
No, it was a stalemate according to Ion.
My interpretation; is that Blizzard only Burned down Teldrassil as a catalyst for the Horde story.
Teldrassil burns so Horde leaders can have a Horde story about a Horde rebellion that reconsiders the Horde’s ideals and ultimately determines the future of the Horde.
Then, Blizzard rolled their eyes and realized they had to give the Alliance a side story. So we got the whole Night Warrior thing. Which wound up being completely worthless.
Malfurion, Maiev, Jarod, Shandris. Every awesome Night elf character was pushed to the Side that way Tyrande could take the spotlight. It honestly feels like Blizzard was sitting around thinking: “Just make the Night Elf leader do something cool”
I honestly wished Tyrande died performing the Night Warrior Ritual. It would’ve been more interesting that way.
That’s because the devs and writers are divided. Devs prefer Horde and the writers are Alliance fanboys/fangirls, so the writing is always better on the Alliance side. I suppose the same is the reason why the Horde has it better when it comes to gameplay. Both sides have their own biases.
This is the enduring problem with “faction war” storylines – they have to be stalemates. Neither side can win, everyone comes away frustrated.
You mean the Alliance story where we Followed the Horde around and listened in on their rebellion, then helped out at the end?
Oh god, why does this fit so well…So that means the Jailer is ALL THE JEDI, and Sira was Kylo?
Well, they don’t have to be. Alliance won the Second and Third war. It’s just this wet fart of a “war” was so badly written and portrayed, it would be better that everyone not call it a war and call it a mistake.
I suppose that makes sense. I don’t really keep up with the behind the scenes stuff. I just know as far a Zandalar/Kul Tiras was concerned. I was really happy over all.
Well, that and the Kul Tiras stuff was really cool. The invasion of Lorderon was a neat activity. I would like to see if the NIghtwarrior thing goes anywhere. It’s kind of a dumb name, but I really like that horde side cutscene where Malfurion got to look kinda cool. Yea, I’ve had a really good time on the Alliance side.
ever see inside of Blizzards H.Q. ? it has Horde colors and symbols every where, Horde coffee cups, Horde statues inside and outside, everyone wears Horde t-shirts, but the toilet paper in the bathrooms has an Alliance symbol on it.
Alright. Alright.
This one got a Laugh out of me.
To be honest, I really liked the Broken Isles, and the constant nods to the War of the Ancients.
The Highborne getting a stellar re-imagining in Surumar, showing what High Elves really could be if not for Aszhara.
Legion overall was great.
Then in BFA they just sorta forget about all that stuff…
The only Night Elf character that really gets any spotlight is Tyrande for some reason… who doesn’t really embody what most people like about the Night Elves.
They get NO involvement whatsoever in taking down Aszhara. Which was just pitiful.
And I cannot stress how much it angred me that the NIGHT ELVES. Lost a WAR.
Seriously. The Night Elves should’ve been basically unstoppable there. All their units can just stand still and turn invisible.
My problem is that Kultiras is basically insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
At least the Zandalar questing zones lead into the First raid tier.
Everything that happens on the Alliance side has no real significance. Other than the War campaign where we primarily follow the horde around and watch their story unfold.
Then in the Nazjatar patch, we all get thrown into the sea. And from there on out, we get the exact same story as the Horde and we work together for the rest of the expansion.
There was never any real “war” and there never will be.
It’s funny that people still deny there’s horde Bias when we have literally ex employees saying that there is and the entire team pressures you to be horde when you work there.
Also stuff like the warfront opening for the alliance but they changing the gear to being lower ilvl and removing any earned high ilvl gear, while AT THE SAME TIME, it opened for the horde in EU they gave the horde the highest ilvl anyway.
That was so incredibly stupid. Night elves entire rivalry since WC3 was with Azshara. The fact that Tyrande, Maiev and Malf weren’t there, is beyond stupid.
Also how Tyrande and Malf never spoke to Illidan after his release in Legion WHILE TYRANDE WAS STANDING THERE and at the end he just left some voice message.
the lead developer of the game only plays one faction, the Horde, this is a huge red flag for me when it comes to Horde bias.
See, I don’t know if I agree, at least from a story perspective. I thought the KT story was a good very interesting addition and kind of a turning point for both a Nation that has been around since Pre-WoW and is finally coming back in. Also, I really like some of the pay off to Jaina’s story who’s been a favorite of mine since WC3.
I haven’t really done Nazjatar yet. I’m curious for the Mechagnome story, but I’m almost over the Old Gods and much as I’m over hearing about the Legion.
I don’t mind the Bias as much. If the developers want to make a story about the Horde. (and they do want to make a story about the Horde. They are the Main characters) Then more power to them.
If that’s what they want to write, then so be it. I just want them to play it straight. instead of pretending the Alliance are anything more than a bunch of side characters.
Tyrande and Maiev hurt especially.
Maiev hates 2 things in this universe. Magic users, and people who consort with demons. It’s so painful to see her character swept to the side when she’s one of the ONLY alliance characters with any edge.
And Tyrande, who we now know is FROM SURUMAR should have every reason to take down Aszhara. But she wasn’t even there. not even mentioned in passing.
Pass it over here, i got drinks
Reads the post.