The Horde: A Different Type of Heroism

They can keep the sewer exit badda bing badda boom.

Also lolling at “they can’t share because some of them might not like the other group” yes because liking literally everyone else is an intrinsic requirement for sharing land with them, as demonstrated by real life where everyone loves one another

However you interpret it.
There needs to be several boxes filled:

-Defeat the Horde out of Ashenvale and other NE lands. Ceded or not there will be Horde there like the Warsong and their lumber yards.
-Build defenses that will add more protections than an empty roadway that allowed the Horde to invade easily.
-Punish the Horde invaders punitively by taking the fight to their borders to ensure security.

For example have you seen the Warsong Gultch battle grounds? The forest is being gated by a big fortress and each side fights at the forest’s edge. That is what is needed as the status quo.
The Horde still has too many places in Ashenvale even during vanilla that must be eliminated in the violent retake I was telling you about.

Besides this does not need to be a NE only content.
Other Alliance races and forces can be applied as well to make sure NEs are not alone in defending their lands and punitively pushing the Horde out.

This is all to answer the question of the if the parchment won’t defend the Alliance from the next Horde attack then what will?

I don’t understand why fighting anyone in Trisfal is going to accomplish any security for the NEs.
Or are you suggesting NEs move out of Northern Kalimdor and leave it to the Horde since its indefensible?

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I mean I’m pushing 30 and have to wear a suit and talk about interest rates and market behavior for a living so I wouldn’t call myself young.

But yeah outside watching my cousin play Warcraft 2 the earlier games aren’t part of my little world. And I was young enough then to completely believe him and stare at the screen in abject terror when he told me this was actually happening somewhere and he was actually sending men to their deaths.

Warcraft 3 wasn’t even my favorite RTS. Was more of an Age Of Empires and Age Of Mythology boy. And the titans expansion doesn’t get enough love. It was wonky but ending a long match with a fantasy kaiju battle really was something else.

Suffice to say I would agree most people haven’t seen Lordaeron as anything other than the Forsaken’s haunt.

But I think you discount what it meant for me. My birthday is right around Halloween. So I think at I made some connection between monsters being everywhere and people giving me attention and presents. So I’ve always found a childlike comfort in horror.

And as a transplant weird kid from a suburban Catholic school I was completely out of my element when I found myself in a Chicago public school. I was the weird one in my previous environment so over there, well I got the ish knocked out of me for about a year until I learned how to fight.

And that particularly miserable year was the same time I stumbled upon WoW. And the Forsaken were like a special present somebody gave me. The Undercity was, for lack of a better word, my safe space. A realm ruled by the unwanted and attacked really clicked with me.

And that’s why to this day I’m very protective of my bone bois. It’s called escapism for a reason. Somewhere out there somebody’s probably going through the same ish I did, and they deserve to have the outlet I did.


You know what happens when people think of another demographic of people as scum and hold a lot more power than they do, right?


Yes, I’m well aware that the Horde is paranoid and believes that anything that they can’t dominate is inherently a threat. This is one of the reasons the Horde keeps on doing bad things. They see anything that they can’t control as an existential threat.

Maybe learning to share territory is a way for them to move past that.

Stop pretending you have any care for the Horde experience or writing.
Turning Undercity into a ghetto is in no way a positive sharing experience. You didn’t even take the isolation control issue seriously.

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It doesn’t have to be like this you know.

It is very clear from your posts that the Forsaken are just an inconvenience to your desires for the narrative. Acting like a massive compromise of sovereignty is fundamentally unreasonable to have a problem with, let alone who insanely volatile such a situation be makes it obvious the Forsaken experience is not valued by you. With the Purge in mind, why should the Horde trust the Alliance or Alliance leaning people to not let a miltia run wild with whatever excuse to be found?


the “not as much of a jerk as you could have been” award!

“The Horde has changed.” This would be an insane excuse for any dangers (perceived or real) that the Horde’s population would be exposed to.

Because it would be the Conclave, the Knights of the Ebon Blade, and the Argent Crusade guaranteeing security, not the Alliance or the Horde. The Earthen Ring can come too if you want.

If all 4 of those groups are also insufficiently trustworthy then the problem is with you I’m afraid. Anyone so unwilling to compromise shouldn’t be allowed to live there anyway, no matter which faction.


Let’s be real, the battlegrounds have been out of continuity for years. Drek’thar is canonically in the wheelchair but he’s still slapping us around in AV. Eye of the Storm is fighting over a chunk of Netherstorm which hasn’t been relevant in over a decade. Alliance canonically WON the Arathi warfront so Arathi Basin flat out doesn’t matter anymore, and the Horde massacred the major Silverwing outpost as far back as Cataclysm.

Battlegrounds at this point are short-lived in terms of lore relevance at best.


Frankly if you’re Horde right now the folks that you would be the most justified in being paranoid of would be the Horde itself, so it’s funny how many people evidently won’t feel secure unless people like Garrosh and Sylvanas are in charge of the places they live.

At least then they won’t be subjected to the sorts of horrors that could only be concocted by a mind as twisted and prejudiced as that of checks notes Anduin Wrynn

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Oh right! Those. My mistake.

I only did the Alliance campaign once so I always forget about that.

Listen, there is no moral problem with me incinerating all those Goblin wageslaves because the entire context was super wacky. It’s the Hillsbrad rule.

That was done during BfA.

That’s what I was suggesting by rebuilding Northern Kalimdor.

This is impossible without a willingness to write an attack on Orgrimmar or any remaining Sylvanas loyalists in the EK because that’s where the actual threats came from.

And the Horde lost those places in BfA. So if they update them, there won’t be any need to put in a Battleground or content where Night Elves are driving out Horde occupation forces. Those occupational forces don’t exist anymore and have no reason to resist.

It’d be like adding a Battleground to represent the siege of Lordaeron. The events already happened.

The Horde isn’t being aggressive in Northern Kalimdor anymore. The only way for a conflict to work without the Alliance attacking is for the Horde to attack first. What makes more sense is for both sides to fortify their defenses and hunker down for the next X years in an indefinite ceasefire.

Also, look at us in a thread about ways the Horde can be heroic and me getting into a discussion about what Night Elves deserve to get :stuck_out_tongue: There’s like a half dozen of those threads already. Time to get back on topic.

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Excellent work arguing within the awful faction writing that defines the Horde only as good as long as they are convenient and acknowledge the inability for the Alliance to actually do wrong without at least some other wrong to trigger it as a response that gets whitewashed or glossed over anyway.

The assumption that Alliance races will act with fundamental goodness all but reactionary circumstances is a problem, not something to use as a bludgeoning tool against people that want satisfying writing for Horde races and faction identity.


I’ve been rewatching TNG recently and I was thinking about the dynamic between the Federation and the multitude of alien empires in the galaxy so it was interesting to see it brought up in the OP. That being said, I think that it’s important to note that in the context of Star Trek, aliens become more interesting when they interact with humans more. Even other Federation species like Vulcans. Characters like Spock, Worf, Data, Quark, Odo, and Seven of Nine are good characters on their own, but they’re elevated beyond that via their outside perspective on humanity that can only be fully realized and conveyed when they interact with humanity in a way that isn’t shooting at each other with spaceships. And as much as this forum doesn’t like to hear it, the human experience is always going to be central to any narrative because that’s who we are, and we can’t be anyone else.

So frankly, I think that one of the problems with the Horde is that they actually don’t interact much with the “straight man” Alliance or with Alliance characters in ways that aren’t mutually antagonistic. This is one of those circumstances where I really think that faction segregation is holding the narrative back in a major way and there’s no easy way to get around it without just getting rid of the faction divide altogether. Let the races and characters of this universe mingle naturally.

Mind you, this was also a two way street. A lot of those alien groups learned things about themselves by interacting with humanity just as we learned things about ourselves. In some cases you had circumstances that would lead to Klingon, Ferengi, Android, and even ex-Borg Starfleet officers. The way that this would translate into WoW would be by seeing more Orcs, Goblins, Undead, and maybe even Blood Elves (if they’re the Romulans to the High Elves Vulcans) interested in joining the Alliance and maybe even ascending to high positions. An idea that I suspect Horde fans would not receive very well, although I can’t help but wonder how it would be received if the faction divide didn’t extend to the playerbase.

We can sit and argue about how the story should be for another decade if you’d like but maybe it’s time to start talking about how the story is rather than how we wish it was.

Or we should not reinforce the bad writing at the present and past and actually create good representations of both factions, which involves actually making Anduin have to work for his ideals in his own faction, and having clear mess ups at times where either his idealism didn’t work out (needs to be also applying to actions by people in his own faction) or he didn’t stick to them when he should have.

Also you know, actually making the High King not Blue Warchief so he has to work a lot harder to get people to do what he thinks if right when there is a disagreement.