The Horde: A Different Type of Heroism

Shut up man. Nobody cares.

Well yes. But sometimes someone responds to my nonsense.
Fall asleep.

Stop. Do you have a skull on your head? Huh. I always thought that he had a tall, red and white, diamond-patterned hat that looked like a sack.

Oh I “adore” that like I “adore” the Native American stand-in race constantly getting victimized by the Alliance, and rarely getting any appreciable measure of justice against the colonialist powers doing so.

I “love” the Native American standin leader being a massive apologist for the European standin faction colonizing their lands in times of peace and war. It’s GREAT.

Seriously. The Tauren were so cool to me up until Cata, and everything since then has been just… awful.


The Horde is also a colonialist power.


Genuinely surprised they didn’t make Baine take to the bottle in response to his Torghast trauma while they’re at it lol


Now now hun, let’s not give blizz any more bad ideas while they’re at it for 9.1 :wolf: :heart:

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Bottle? Is this some kind of analogy with a real story?

They are ironically complaining about racist stereotyping in WoW by making a racist stereotype.


But what does the bottle have to do with it?

It’s a reference to making Baine a alcoholic due to his trauma.


This is not wrong.

However when I started playing, the only real point of conflict where the Kalimidor Horde was outright in the wrong was Ashenvale, which was not great, but a bit of a tit for tat over the Allaince largely being responsible for ruining Durotar’s fertility.

The Forsaken did a lot of horrid stuff, but even then is it colonialism when it’s dealing with “your” lands? idk.

Meanwhile the Tauren story literally dealt with white dudes coming across the ocean, killing villages, and destroying the land without a care. The Kalimidor Horde until Garrosh showed up in Wrath was basically trying to do it’s own thing outside of that one sin.

Then Garrosh showed up and the Horde I liked growing up turned into an imperialist machine over the course of an expansion and I haaaaaaaaaaaaated it.

I don’t think the Devs are malicious enough to do that. I think they’re “well intentioned” but idiots. They never paint Tauren in a bad light, just basically leave them to be victimized and paint doing so as a morally reasonable thing.


The trope requires she be percieved as inferior/be from a precieved inferior race. Considering most of WOW has built the link between noble savage/orcs then she would automatically be precieved as such by many Alliance fans.

I considering people who seem to just be trying to survive and willing to fight an Old God when push comes to shove to be a good representation of the better qualities of humans.

And Vol’jin had part of two expansions where he was the head honcho leading the charge.

Tropes are a way to quickly describe character. They can be racist or they can be neutral/positively done. Consider the fact Warcraft 3 orcs were the embodiment of such a trope. I doubt most of us here would consider that depiction in and of itself racist.

Let me make sure I understand what you’re saying here.

If my proposal for quests around Warsong Gulch goes through - something to prop up that battleground, you think that somehow interferes with the character that I would play?

I wish I could post pictures, the forehead “what” meme is badly needed here.

Sorry? Since some other part of the Alliance has destroyed your forests, can you destroy the forests of the night elves, although the night elves were not in the Alliance at all? However, I do not know at what point in time the night elves joined the Alliance … Well, okay.
The main thing now is “logic” and you can kill the Horde because of the Gnilles!

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No, it requires the perception of being inferior by someone else. You, an Alliance fan, perceiving her as inferior race, does not fulfill the Noble Savage trope. It is a Trope because it is how the dynamic is presented within the narrative. Baine is a Noble Savage because in-game he is the only “morally correct” Horde character, belongs to the in-game race based on the IRL typical basis for the trope, and his morality is demonstrated via his siding with the Alliance during each Villain Bat arc.

Thrall was a Noble Savage for the same reasons, where instead of Anduin we had Thrall running to Jaina.

Draka is not a Noble Savage trope. You are incorrect.

? I know you’re not claiming Vol’jin was visible in WoD of all things lmao

One whole expansion with him as the Warchief, and he didn’t show up outside of one questline, and then died in the following expansion.

They weren’t actually.

You cannot do a “positive” Noble Savage trope. That does not exist. The trope itself is inherently racist lol

It’s like claiming you could do a positive “Emotionally Unstable Woman” trope, you can’t, it’s inherently sexist.


I hope not. But given their track record of Bad Ideas over the last few years? The latest expansion and current one going into 9.1?

But you’re right, I don’t think blizz is malicious, at least not intentionally. But you do gotta admit, a lot of their decisions do tend to come off as that, mainly due to them either not thinking or following on things and making us wait years for a subpar solution. :wolf:

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The fact that certain people think Noble Savage or Crazy Unstable Woman can be done in a good way, honestly worries me. :wolf:

*exhausted hand motions at Jaina and Baine over the years * now if only Blizzard realized it too


Have nothing to do with what I said. You literally told us for you, what was important was the stuff in-game, with the other lore side media as largely irrelevant (ergo, why it is crucial to show the Alliance players they won Ashenvale back in MoP for example).

But now you change the tune when the elephant in the room gets removed -something that actually benefits the narrative for your race, cause then they go back to being the proud owners of both Teldrassil, Darkshore AND Ashenvale in the lore, and Teldrassil and Darkshore in-game-. The perception of “weakness and Human co-dependency” that smeared the Nelf race thanks to soap opera worthy stuff like Elegy literally disappears. You guys go back at being the top dog in Kalimdor just like you were told you were at the end of SoO.

Call me crazy but this is VERY advantageous for you guys… for starters, the whole “Tyrande will convert to Anduinism cause God forbids a female in this game -whose name is NOT Jaina- gets away with feelings of sadness and anger” disappears. Heck, your Warsong Gulch scenario under THIS parameter actually becomes much more palatable, cause while people will remember for a couple of years that yes, some moron managed to promote genocide in the narrative and even got the devs to implement it live, then they will go back to check, will be told that no, that´s no longer canon, and then they will move on. They will probably continue to feel angry at the writers for their irresponsible story management, but at least the consequences of the mismanagement will be reverted, and you guys will find it easier to properly heal without involving us Hordies.

It´s a win-win.

To promote bussiness practices like “I refuse to take customer feedback regarding half of my product” IS a malicious attitude by principle.


That’s true, when looking at that way. And your 100% right, that is pretty malicious to purposefully ignore feedback from the people/customers who essential pay your paychecks every month/year.