The Horde: A Different Type of Heroism

That depends on how the solution is able to redress longstanding Horde issues, namely:

  • Their depleted character bench
  • Their moral standing

As I have indicated, I’m willing to talk about how we can do that without putting the Horde through what I went through. But the other side also has to meet me halfway.

Otherwise, all you’re saying here is that one side’s concerns (the Horde’s) outweigh the other to the extent that we don’t need to address the latter, but we do need to address the former. That has no basis, is biased, and is not reasonable.

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So I guess it really is an impass.

Because I can’t see how Horde or Alliance can move on with so much unresolved blood on Horde’s hands.

Forgive and forget is too much to ask.


Again, halfway isn’t being met. I can’t fully speak for others, but the issue was involving invoking the faction involvement in a certain way. You can’t meet that halfway, it either is a thing or isn’t.

I’m fine saying both issues need to be addressed. But If both sides have deal breakers they require, one side isn’t being more reasonable. They both have aspects they won’t compromise on.


When those dealbreakers are:

  • The Horde cannot interact with the Alliance at all (unless it’s to show that the Alliance is racist)
  • Under no circumstances can the Horde and the Alliance fight
  • The Horde cannot ever lose in the field
  • The Horde does not have to reconcile with or apologize for past actions

Then something has to give.

I guess a solution is that every time a Horde player is working with an Alliance character (in neutral content) they acknowledge they hate working with them for what their people did.

The Alliance player its the Alliance NPC thats telling them working with the Horde again makes them uncomfortable.

So nobody moves on but at least its addressed and nobody just forgets it happened.

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I think three and four are rather subsumed by one and two.

I’m not asking you consider their desires reasonable anymore than I demand they consider yours as such.

Just that these are indeed both desires the other side won’t waffle on in this instance. There’s no compromise on these, they are rather binary outside the specific wording.

So I can’t win in your mind? Either i’m unwilling to endure what the Horde did, or it’s about my ego, not about fixing things for my race.

You didn’t give me any other choices. i’d gladly have something better, where the neither the Horde nor the Alliance iis villainbatted, and where Teldrassil is still answered for. But you didn’t give me that option.

Again, I can’t win. Clearly, all you expect me to do is acceot what happened, and move on, without any resolution. And I simply can’t agree with that.

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This is already happening to various degrees, even before BFA. WoD’s legendary ring questline when Jaina cameos, needing to gain permission to use Dalaran again in Legion, Tyrande’s hostility in Val’sharah, and then BFA happens and the horde player gets it from Genn in Nazjatar, and then now in Shadowlands from Tyrande again, as well as Shandris.


Well, they did have a civil war over the issue, and the rebels continued stockpiling weapons throughout Gilneas all the way up until the Cataclysm in anticipation of renewing the struggle, deposing Genn and rejoining the Alliance. Plus Crowley’s side sent military aid into Lordaeron during the Third War against Genn’s wishes, so the kingdom wasn’t really fully on board with abandoning the Alliance to the Scourge.

And yet any time anyone’s talked about the times when the shoe’s been on the other foot, you’ve been vociferously refusing to have the Alliance take any responsibility for anything they’ve ever done.

It just feels like alliance players begging for the story to cater to them after an expansion that patted them on the back and told them that they’re the good guys while kicking Horde in the junk repeatedly reeks of entitlement and whininess.


So there is precedent.
That is good.

So we just need more NPC, not just major characters like Tyrande but run of the mill joe and jane too.

Only thing we are guilty of is not completley anihilating the Alliance back when we had the chance. Saurfang the coward made that pathetic peace treaty possible. But not for long. The Horde council will be excuted by being burned alive on a pyre. Then we attack the Alliance again and destroy them for all times for good. No more Alliance on Azeroth forever. Lok’tar! For the Horde! Down with the Alliance!

All you alliance mongrels will pay eventually. Your cities will burn and your people will die. No one will be spared. Lok’tar! Down with the Alliance forever!

Your envy of the Alliance superiority fuels us.

I think we’re just exhausted at this point, and we’ve learned from bitter experience that yelling at Blizzard about it accomplishes nothing.

It’s too bad the old forums were deleted, or you’d be able to see thread after thread begging Blizzard not to make the Horde villains in BfA, and we all know how that turned out.


No problem with being evil for as long as I can kill as much alliance scum as possible.

You will die.

Making death threats now?

I threaten you to destroy your faction. Feeling scared yet? I hope you do.

This is what kills me about the tripe that the Nelf crew and company put out.

BFA was explicitly what Horde players absolutely did not want, on the whole. BFA was a massive, repeating kick to the face to anyone who loved Thrall’s Horde from WC3 to Wrath.

And yet we’re supposed to be punished because blizzard gave us what we never wanted? The people demanding that need to grow the hell up.