The Horde: A Different Type of Heroism

If you were responding to that, then your claim was a non sequitur. Regardless, my tests still covered the explicit scope that you set.

Nope, you barged into an ongoing conversation developing over the past three hours, read before you reply.


The prior conversation had nothing to do with the specific claim that you made, a claim that turned out not to be true.

How will you keep statistics? Limit yourself to the top of the month, isolate the Horde and night elf topics, and then you will analyze each topic, is it a complaint, a question, or a statement about the night elves or the Horde? Then there will be a selection from the Horde, should I count only topics dedicated to the Horde, or consider topics dedicated to a particular race?

Incorrect, it is refuting the claim that Alliance complains more than the Horde regarding the story, in turn a parallel refutation of the claim that complaining affects the story.

Learn 2 read

I imagine that you’d need to do a dump of the topics by OP - and have a fuzzy match system to accommodate Baalsamael’s changing parameters.

Hey if you want to say Xelshanna is right and the Alliance never gets villain batted because you all whine and complain more than the Horde by multiple orders of magnitude, by all means, please, I insist.


So for how long will you keep statistics? A month, a year, three years, eleven years? However, with the latter it will be difficult, since the forums have disappeared.

sigh Finding this whole section of the thread quite confusing. Take care good folks.

@Baalsamael Take my like for making me laugh you fiend. :laughing:

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I mean, I won’t. If there’s anything I’ve learned from trying to do any kind of research on these forums, it’s that no one appreciates the work you do, and they throw out all of it on imagined technicalities if they find anything in there that disagrees with their pre-held opinions.

But if I were going to do it, I’d need to find an extract, transform and load tool that could actually pull the topics from the page - and unfortunately, Power Query doesn’t do it.

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We can only hope

I always find it to be the opposite. Forum people doing research do-so in a manner that validates their beliefs and ignore issues.


Why the hell not. It would still be better than what we have currently gotten. And frankly I don’t care if Blizzard makes the Worgen a villain, because that would still be better than being a victim twice over.

I should have added the addendum that almost nothing can make the Worgen look bad in my eyes, when dealing with the Forsaken. I’m sure the narrative could bend it until it breaks in order to force it to work. How well that would go over with people after bfa is anyone’s guess.

I’m well aware the Alliance would be painted as villains in your scenario, but I simply don’t care. Not to mention, it would be fun to see the outrage to have a race that was previously targeted for extermination by the Forsaken now be depicted as villains for wanting revenge, because reasons. The meltdown would make Teldrassil look like a candleflame to an inferno.

Plenty of people are of the opinion that they had it coming because of Greymane’s Wall Stunt.


And that’s like, their opinion. Personally, I don’t think isolating themselves and erecting a big wall to keep others out makes it okay to be invaded and targeted for extermination, but maybe that’s just me.

I mean… if you’re going to claim that virtually nothing can make the Worgen look bad after they got invaded, others are allowed to think that nothing can make them look like victims after they completely abandoned their fellow humans in a literal zombie apocalypse.

In my eyes Gilneans are big time jerks for it, but that’s just me.


And lost their home, twice, to the same organization.

And their opinion to hold. Do I think it has any merit? Absolutely not. And I will gladly inform anyone who does hold such views of what I think of them.

I don’t think building the wall and isolating themselves was the correct choice, but they certainly didn’t deserve what they got afterwards.

Maybe if they had helped Lordaeron when they most needed them, they’d have a better time :upside_down_face:

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Or they would have died, and become more fuel for the Scourge. That’s the far more likely scenario.

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Shame the wall couldn’t save them forever : (