The honor fix is correct

No, they are not lying. Kill a High Warlord on live right now. it will say HK scout. GL with your testing.


Wrong, must be fun being wrong so often.

reset everyone’s honor. You realize how many people are honor capped to buy Lv.70 gear, which means they are weeks ahead of everyone else in the game.

this unfair advantage needs to be undone.

If spending 40 hours of my life for 1 epic item is “Correct” count me the $$$$ out then.





The bonus honor is correct. The overall available honor is not. HKs are not correct. As they stand right now, they encourage a “get it done as fast as you can” meta that discourages active pvp. Bringing back the HKs has the potential to encourage actual pvp.


I agree. They should double check the HK values but from the available evidence it seems the fix is pretty close to accurate honor per game.

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Assuming the same race meta, yes. I don’t have a problem with the bonus honor change in and of itself. I have a problem with the fact that it is very likely that the HK values were higher. There have been a number of videos that have shown the HK values being higher on a per individual killed basis within the actual BG at the time in question.

Like I get what you are saying and agree with it. I also get you are agreeing with me. I just basically want to reiterate that they need to really look into the HK values and should have done so before implementing this change.

How does it feel being retarded and ignorant? As explained in the other post the values after the game are correct… but thats not where you got most of your honor from in BG’s. You got the majority of it form kills… ranging from 15-30+ per kill… currently we are getting 1. So please refrain from this extremely ignorant post until you do ACTUAL research. Thank you :slight_smile:

This is just another troll post. It has already been proven with video evidence which the OP conveniently ignores. Flag it and move along.


Asmon proved the video evidence is wrong or misleading cause he pulled up actual high res screenshots from his own PC that he took back in TBC when he was 60 during pre-patch.

So he is more believable.

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Troll post, exactly like I said.


You are completely missing the point though. In 2006-2007 we had months to farm our gear not 13 days.

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How is this relevant? The amount of time we have is not important. You also couldn’t boost back then. You also couldn’t level Draeni or BELF back then.

You have no expectation to get all your gear before the launch. No one ever promised that.

However, if we want historical accuracy we would have more than 13 active days to complete prepatch…

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Dont remember getting 3 honor per HK but ok champ

Cool then we shouldn’t have boosts or the ability to level the new races either. I’m good with that.

Too bad the reality is you are not promised the gear and can’t expect them to change the game so you can easily get it.

Because the amount of honor that they had got in 2006 was set because they took into count that you had months to farm not 2 weeks.

So yea, time is relevant.

Why do you think you are entitled to getting this gear before launch? You don’t need it to level. It isn’t required or even the best gear.

You can get equivalent or better gear from quests while leveling in TBC.

I farmed for honor gear on multiple characters back in TBC for multiple seasons. There is 0% chance that the current honor gain is representative of what it was back then. It was a lot more.

My theory is that people are assuming that it’s correct because they’re looking at the bonus honor field on the scorescreen, but I don’t think that field is representative of total honor earned. From memory, I don’t recall it seeing honor gained from HKs and it’s very likely that this is the part that’s incorrect right now.

Just crunch the numbers and you’ll easily see. Getting only offset items for the current arena season was around 90k honor. At ~200 honor per game, that is 450 games played to get your offset gear. Absolutely no way that’s what we went through to gear for arena every single season back then.

Even if we’re very generous and put average honor at 300/game, that’s still 300 games needed. At 50% winrate that is 600 marks obtained. It’s less than 200 marks required for offset items and everybody remembers obtaining marks being the bottleneck.


"Why do you think you are entitled to getting this gear before launch? You don’t need it to level. It isn’t required or even the best gear.

You can get equivalent or better gear from quests while leveling in TBC."

list me 10 one hand axes that are better than the 1 hand rank 14 axe? or 1 hand rank 14 sword,

I’m waiting.